Baron von Blubba


the Academy “is taking dramatic steps to alter the makeup” of its membership
ahh yes… bringing back the good ol' Al Jonson's cosmetics days…

just watch Youth, you'll find the perfect Maradona impersonation so far

Exactly, barely a mention. His character should be part of Best Villains of recent years.
I love the fact that Refn directed him by whispering in his ear: "You are God"

Beast_of_man doesn't like you.
I don't like you either.

He got his start in Hollywood, but lost all of the fucks he could give long time ago. The man is an international actor, painter, poet, photographer, etc. It's awesome that he can travel and do small, difficult films like this just for pleasure and artistry's sake.

Garfield. That Onion's article about lasagna.
It… it can't be a coincidence.

Well, since they stole the sound effects from Bruce Campbell's moves, why not?

Huh, that line always gets me hired, I wonder why…

Not to brag but I can play a mean skin flute. Alas, I do not provide my own instrument.

Deadwood 2: Horse-powered Boogaloo

May the Antler God continue to bless his pagan soul

I saw it last week, thanks to the A.V.Club top horror films.
I now must see everything Wheatley does. Even in his bathroom.

Nirvana, "Beans"

Rush, "YYZ"

The Smashing Pumpkins, "Wrestling Anthem"

Dawes, "That Dawes Song"

Wait, where the HELL is Twin Peaks??? It should be number one on this list.
Here, just let me check which month it will com….

Oh you motherless fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

"What person you admire would you like to see make a comeback?"

What a mensch. Only a gentleman would leave out Mrs. Trebek's last name.