Baron von Blubba

We should come up with the 11 statements for 2016
Starting with that one

We have our 2016 A.V. Club Piñata, people!


Does my Achin' for Aiken tramp stamp counts as inspiration?

THANK YOU. I kneel before you now.

what? no mention of DAWES, commentariat??? you people make me sick

that scene put me off a little bit for it's implausibility. no drunk person can sing that good, no way no how.

what you did there, I see

What's unsettling is that it was an actual great job, internet.

I agree with that it can be filmed, but no producer is going to back serious scifi like Tarkovsky's work. They need to include "popcorn" elements to draw the big numbers. In other words, dumbing it down.

I want your Physics analysis of every episode's review. Hire this man/woman!

Talk about an unsung director. I live in Argentina and didn't know Rejtman still made movies.

so where's the obligatory "Butt Fucking Gay" one?

they suffer delayed ejaculation?

pov + souls? sounds like Enter The Void The Series

Love… It's fantastic!

I guess some actors don't want to spend a whole season/movie with their faces covered all the time, they want to show themselves and their expressions in full (ie. Stallone in Judge Dredd).

yep, that's exactly right.
We Arkham Horror fans also like to be called masochists.

Whoah there, Monterey Jack is as legit as they come!
Just because he is an archaeologist, a globe-trotting treasure hunter armed with a bullwhip and a revolver, following in his father's footsteps, it doesn't make him even remotely alike Indiana Jones.

I've been playing for years with my friends. We usually win the game but lately, the last 4 or 5 sessions, we were unable to beat the spider god Atlach-Nacha. She ignores sealed gates and bursts them like butter, so it's a real motherfucker. I've been trying to convince them to give up and play against another god, or