Baron von Blubba

- Hey, anyone tried the cannoli tonight?
- That's not so good, Al
-… "not so good, Al"… … yeahh…yeah…

Even though he lost me at Pacific Rim, I can see some Moorish sensibilities in Del Toro's work. But please, let Max Landis handle millenial-bro material only.

…the odds of it getting picked up a second time seem even bleaker than bleak
None more bleak

Sally, clear up my schedule
*has nothing to do all day/week/month, celebrates with vodka

Well, I knew this horror monsters mashup was getting out of hand since 1943's Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man


I hate every jedi I see,

Oh no, it wasn't the airplanes. It was Hollywood franchises killed the beast.

*huddles with Takashi and Nich, showing off Death Above tattoo*

Now THIS is GJI apex right here.
You know which kind, the only kind.

where the hell is the "deal with it" glasses in that banner pic?

pfff, wake me up when Nuka-Colas are available
*goes to sleep
*nukes are deployed, world ends
well, about time!

I've just finished the Saga and must say: abso-fucking-lutely

I can see why someone could not get into PTA, but the reasons the writer cites to me are utter bullshit. "Anderson seems to hate all of his characters"? dafuq.
If anything, he should recheck most of the Coen Brothers comedies, where they treat all their characters as complete doofuses. Not that there's anything wrong

man I'm in tears, my head hurts like a motherfucker awwww

from the creator of The Stanley Parable? I'm so gonna play this, whatever it is.

Crimes of the Future Seasons

good nickname/story sinergy, even if it's not your story

I think I know what you mean, but I don't see it as a bad thing. Maybe a necessary evil/pandering. If it helps spread her message, to the eyes of those who are reluctant to change their views, or are unaware of their condition, so be it. Go ahead and paint her as the new Mother Teresa, no big deal.
What I often forget

I grew up with Playmobils, I've never even had or wanted a Lego and build stuff.
What I'm saying is I REGRET NOTHING
*sobs a little*