
Pumpkin spice latte is less basic than thinking your cool because you like the Melvins and Bladerunner.

He helpfully illustrated her point for her.

But doesn't that say more about what a shallow person Ryan Adams is than anything bad about Mandy Moore? If he found her basic then and they didn't share interests, why did he marry her? He looks like even more of a dick now. 

Hahahaha, I just noticed that. I imagine that a marriage to Bryan Adams would be kind of a hazy delight, being awoken in the morning by saccharine ballads and floppy 90's hair. Sounds ok.

One of the natural and most pleasing outcomes of being divorced from an ex-husband with whom I had no children (and therefore have had almost no contact with over the years), is that the time and distance has allowed me to remember him and the fun times that we had together fondly (and from the interaction we have had,

Yeah it must have been awful being married to Mandy Moore....

I thought there were a few other stories going around (though nothing that was officially reported on). I think his response is extremely telling and it makes me question how grey of an area it really was.

Danny Masterson is walking the streets and has been accused of violently raping at least five women. To this very day his cult is harassing those women at their homes.

You forgot about Bart O’Kavanaugh.  Last I heard his case was going all the way to the Supreme Court.  His life really was ruined.

He strikes me as the type of chauvinist who will encourage a guy to ‘sow his wild oats’ prior to settling down but insist that a woman should be a virgin for marriage (see also: Prince Phillip).

wilmer specifically dates underage girls. if anyone tells me that so and so is a “good guy” you automatically become suspicious in my eyes. I’m picturing a mug shot of his face in some police station for masturbating in public or something. I mean, how can someone who repeatedly dates underage girls still get to be

Hasn’t she flirted with white supremacy already?

Kat has been garbage waaaaaaaaaaay before this revelation

Also, I love how she says “so your negative comments are not going to influence my choices - actual research and educating myself will”

Right??? The only reason these morons get to rest on their anti-vacc laurels is because of the generations before them who DID vaccinate, thus ensuring herd immunity..

And, if you don’t know what it’s like to have the entire world openly criticize, judge, throw uninformed opinions,

Exactly. He outed her. If someone had said something like this about me at that age, when I was still in the closet, it would have seriously fucked with me and possibly kept me there, in pain, for longer.

You know I don’t think the people who are outraged by what Ratner did to Ellen Page are the ones who are blind here.

It’s nice how you’re giving him the benefit of the doubt over her.

Oh honestly, if the effect is the same, the intentions don’t matter.