
Yup, the 5 year old is already on that road. Really enjoying that part. He punched his personal bully in the nuts the other day (and I had to pretend to be upset)!
The 3 year old I know hasn’t even reached the depths of her terrible 3s yet.
I keep telling myself, I lived thought it once, I can do it again.

Shit. I’m at 3 and 5 right now.
Thank you for destroying my dream that it will magically get easier in the next year.

That is awesome.
My wife and I both put that in practice (at times), but I don’t think either of us ever realized it.
Must have been the exhaustion...

I hope the gear shift technician in the back is secured with some kind of tether. Looks like he’d have to get pretty far out of the back to reach.
E-brake is within easy reach though.

This is my trick for shearing off bolts. Works every time!

This was to make up for that control tower they shot up...

Yup. People seem to be glossing over the fact that water rescues are risky, and this was in the dark.

I thought this was going to be a special “yes, I’ve had my tint checked and deemed legal, so don’t bother to pull me over” type of deal.
I would sign up for that.

Note how intact the wings are.
“Oh, did we crash? I didn’t notice. I must have dozed off there.”

I don’t think anyone cares about the dumb-ass lawnmower thief.
The mom and 3 kids that might happen to get t-boned/killed in the name of lawnmower justice however, make it not really worth it.

Ya, I was going to say that up here (Canada) they changed the rules on engaging in high speed pursuits back in the 90s after some innocent people got killed, but I can’t seem to find anything on it.
Even with the stiffer rules though, it still seems to happen way too much.


I like how it looks like they’re wearing actual CLOTHES instead of body-paint.

In all seriousness, I think H Jon Benjamin needs to voice Batman now.
I cannot envision a timeline in which this doesn’t happen.

Was “Unbreakable” a biopic about you?
I’m guessing they jazzed it up a little bit though.

*Please note, this option not recommended for the Pacific Northwest.

Fun-me wants this car.
Responsible-me is desperate to prevent fun-me from getting this car.

Am I the only one who would expect this to be more of a driver’s car?!
The Mustang being the one wouldn’t have even crossed my mind.

Yup, because the only people pirating games are poor people who can’t afford them...