
At first glance my brain saw “15 minutes of uncharted 4s beautiful Nascar level”.
I was puzzled.

While I don’t entirely agree with #1, I know there are a lot of people who believe having loaded gun around their house will “ensafen” them, which in my mind is batshit crazy.
If you’re talking about properly secured guns though, I think that’s a bit of an overreach.
1000% agree with #2.

Both my kids wipe standing up. They’re 3 and 5.
Annoys the shit out of us.
It would be one thing if they insisted on doing it, but did a good job of it.
This is sadly not the case.

Goddamn those clips and whoever invented them.

I always wondered if it was just me...

If you had offered to install a bulb in my wife’s shitty old Mazda 3 for $30, I would have gladly paid it.
And I knew how to install them. You needed baby-sized hands to get it done.

I’ll try not to cry myself to sleep over their losses...

Ya, it’s not nice to imagine.
Hopefully this was a catastrophic hull breach...I think that’s as close to a happy ending as you’re going to get here.

When I first saw the pic at the top on main page, I assumed it was from the new Star Wars.
“Oh, looks like they have a new X-wing”

Well give the man a hand!

Really it’s security’s fault for allowing two beards to be seated in such close proximity.
Beards are territorial by nature, and will challenge any of their kind that happen to wander into their range.
I’m not sure what else they expected to happen..and in the rutting season no less.

Or nowhere! 30 freakin teams is plenty!

I think at this point, I’m just trying to convince myself that it’s OK if Vegas gets a team...
Although, I really don’t want expansion anywhere so hopefully this article is right, and they have to bury their bloated carcass of a bid in the desert.

Too bad the kid’s gonna grow up batshit crazy...hopefully they rebel in the right direction in their teenage years.

As much as I hate to see an NHL team in the desert, I can kinda see the sense in it.
You’ll get absolutely no love from the locals, but I can see a lot of seats being filled by tourists who happen to be there while their team is in town.
I would have much rather seen it go to Quebec city, but it does seem like they

As much as I hate Paw Patrol, it does make sense they have no Fire or Police departments...there are only like 5 people in the entire goddamn town.
Their property tax must be astronomical.

That’s a pretty good trade...the Creature Report is THE shit.

I think you hit on it right there.
It’s “worth” killing those people. Killing those other people are part of the “cost” of getting your target.
What you described earlier was willfully wasting all of them, instead of just the person you’ve targeted.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a really shitty choice, but there it is.

I did not get hooked.

It’s TINY though!
How am I supposed to crush the cars of my rivals with that?
When I first saw the gif, I got the impression that it was monstrous. Granted, the tires are, but the rest of it is just like a big Gator...