So I guess this is my chance to rant.
So I guess this is my chance to rant.
I wish whenever people wrote frenzied pieces about “the opoid epidemic,” they also took into consideration how hard it is for chronic sufferers to actually get pain medication, largely because doctors are too scared or apathetic to prescribe it.
And people wonder why BLM protested police presence at the Pride parade, and why Pride Toronto banned cops from marching in uniform.
I live now in a very nice blue state now, with people who for the most part treat me with kindness or at least a modicum of respect while I am in their presence. But even still the very first PCP I tried contacting when i moved here which i got from a old trans-friendly resources list shuttled me off to some third…
While this is upsetting, it’s not exactly unaccustomed for trans folks. We’re used to being treated as untouchables when it comes to medical stuff-a lot of the time it boils down to whether medical professionals will at least be courteous enough to pretend that they can’t treat us due to “unfamiliarity” with the…
If your religious or “moral” views prevent you from providing service to a patient who doesn’t fit within your moral framework, you (1) have really shitty religious/“moral” beliefs and (2) should find a line of work that doesn’t require you to come into contact with people you find morally objectionable.
I dunno, I cosplayed as a clueless moderate white guy for ~15 years and it’s pretty shitty. You spend a lot of time being angry and alienated having no idea why.
Ye gods, the only saving grace about this administration is their overpowering incompetence. I’m sure given time they’ll manage to do plenty of damage, but the real nightmare is, think how bad things would be if they were effective?
Is it wrong/cynical of me to be concerned that this won’t be treated with the same concern as some of the other allegations against famous men because the women are trans and thus viewed as less-than? Like, maybe it’s just residual edginess from reading about human trash-pile Lena Dunham choosing to believe her…
I always make it a point to keep looking after I find something. Just because people always say “it’s in the last place you look” and I want to prove them wrong.
I want an explanation as to why, suddenly, after a year of being ungrey, I’ve suddenly been greyed again. I’ve been commenting here for 2 years and I have a lot of long term Jezzie followers. In fact, I have 109 followers. I deserve an explanation.
this kind of casual transphobia is maybe the smallest problem we are facing today
How many Nazis died in WWII? More than that.
That’s the damned truth.
Cis people are shocked when something like this happens. Trans people are saddened but unsurprised.
As a Transwoman, I am not only proud of her, but I wish I had the ability that she has. I haven’t quite got the courage she does to go what she is. A Politician attacking someone’s character isn’t new but it gave him a different ordinance
There are a lot of reforms that would save money—guaranteed housing for the homeless over shelters, reforms that focus on rehab over imprisonment, etc.—but we always avoid them because people, by and large, prefer that the “underprivileged” suffer. So much of this is part of the toxic legacy of the “prosperity gospel.”
it may not be the war we want but it is the war we need...
Selecting white men is always about merit. Selecting anyone other than a white man is always affirmative action. Sort of like how people who aren’t white men caring about political issues that affect them personally is identity politics, but white men caring about political issues that affect them personally has…
but much worse he talks bad about me to our four year old daughter.