
I mean, it’s shitty all around. It’s shitty for assholes at tabloids to speculate or outright lie about someone’s gender identity. But it’s also shitty to try to claim that being called transgender is insulting. So, I dunno. Don’t root for anyone. Drink some whiskey and gird your loins for tomorrow, whatever fresh

I wonder how much my spinal fusion cost? Plus all the treatments I had before and after surgery.

Yes, because it (purposefully?) places the duty to resolve onto the oppressed: instead of forcing the intolerant to change or at least examine their own beliefs, people ask the oppressed to accept a certain level of intolerance. It’s not even a compromise. It’s shifting the responsibility entirely to one side under

Okay folks so I *know* it’s gonna come up and I’ll just try to get ahead of it here:

Yep. Anyone who appears gender non-conforming gets targeted for harassment by these bills, particularly outside the women’s rooms. It’s already happening with insufficiently feminine-presenting women, cis and trans. Hell, it did before, it’s just that it didn’t have force of law behind it.

I knew people were garbage before I was out but I had to change my estimates from 90% to 95%

Agreed. I know the comment you’re talking about, too. Already flagged it :)

And yet, we still have a yuuuuge number of people who refuse to admit that blatant, virulent transphobia is in any way linked to the high rate of suicide, murder, and violence that afflicts trans folks. Ridiculous.

Ditto for saying that it’s a “selfish” act. Many suicidal people genuinely feel that their loved ones would be better off without them.

Anybody who calls him “cowardly” is a fucking asshole. Sometimes depression is terminal.

Yes! Obesity is most often the result of an eating disorder. But sad skinny people make for better entertainment or something.

I’d love to see a movie about an eating disorder affecting someone who doesn’t look like their being affected by ED. I don’t think most people understand that you can be fat and be bulimic.

Budget $25

Proceed to nearest couch

Find phone

Order pizza

Turn on tv

Flip to the Discovery channel.

*your trip has been successfully planned within your budget, rate us!

I’m so glad for her! And I’m also really glad for all the closeted trans folks and especially trans kids out there for whom she could be their first real exposure to the idea that it’s possible to be trans and normal and have a normal life, which was pretty revolutionary for me.

Possibly because of the long history of women centered events tendency to exclude trans women.

Not just you. I honestly had to do a double take because it looks like a mirrored image.

I’m so glad you only had to suffer his abuse for your first 8 years. Yay cancer, for once? I hope that your next 40 years are much happier than your first 40.

That’s the same argument that was used against bisexual/pansexual people and is now used by TERFS against trans women. Seems to be a recurring theme.

😂😂 yes. I also just learned what your picture meant today, and I am glad! I saw it in the parade today, and I was like, “I’ve never seen this flag! Must google!” So glad I now know.

Happy pride!