
Cool, I've been waiting for a search feature in the app.

Rivendell bikes sells a similiar one for $50 bucks, and it's made in the USA if you care about that kind of thing. []

Those handheld Kestrels are cool, but you're right about the accuracy. In the photo above, those guys are holding it wrong... gotta hold it over your head to minimize the interaction between the wind and your body.

Most of the ships in the Navy are powered by gas turbine engines, only they are driving a gearbox that turns the ship's propellers. Arleigh Burke destroyers can keep up with the carrier; they have 4 gas turbines (LM2500s) and about 1/10th the displacement of the carrier (about 9,000 tons). I'd estimate that the

It won't fit. Here's a story Giz did on it a while back: []

...And that's exactly why I deleted my account. Already, in the past two days, I've spoken to more old friends on the phone, through email, and via text than I have in the past three months. I won't miss it. (Unless Giz forces us to use a facebook account to log in; in that case, I won't miss Gizmodo either.

I have this one, it's pretty great, and super cheap. THey make a 4-channel, too. []

The Navy has never built a class of ships, that the first one out of the gate didn't have problems. LCS represents some concepts that the Navy needs to explore, both in manpower and materiel; the bulk of the present fleet is cold-war paradigm, 1.2 billion dollar multi-mission destroyers with 300-man crews. They are

This must be some other kind of scopolamine. The one I've heard of is the patch they give people who are prone to seasickness, when meclazine doesn't work for them.

Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. They are 'magic' for keeping matte plastic looking new.

I've lost count of how many ipods i've fixed for myself and friends over the years, using ifixit guides and parts from ebay. I've probably even bought parts from you. Thanks!

Haha, I have the D2000's. Definitely Princess Leia sized.

There are smartphone apps that, at this point, are so good that I hardly ever use the actual site anymore. My fave for searching for and buying stuff is Craigslist++ for iPhone. I live at the intersection of 3 different craigslist regions in two different states, this makes it easier to search all three.

I think the electric version would be amazing just because of the noise reduction. I've only flown in planes this small a few times, but the biggest memory I have is how stupidly loud the engine is.

If you're ambitious, and handy with a soldering iron, check out AMB's DIY amps and DAC. I've built a few of his amps. World class. []

X Plane IS the real stuff. The commercial version is 90% of the FAA-approved one. []

I believe it is, in fact, fixed. A couple of night ago I noticed that at least a dozen people, who had previously disappeared from Facebook, were now visible on my friend list. Clicking them gave me the option to unfriend, which I did. (I think most of them bailed because they were just tired of Facebook, but maybe

My Ety ER-4S tips have fallen off and gotten stuck in my earhole twice now, both times I fished them out with tweezers. I stopped using them after the last time it happened...shame, they're the best sounding IEMs I've ever had. Unfortunately, you have to put them WAY in there for them to sound right, but then this

The iPad isn't for most people who frequent this site - we do fine with the desktop analogy, and a good portion of us are comfortable with CLI on at least one OS. What's revolutionary about the iPad is that it brings aboard people that are not, and don't want to be (just as the GUI brought most of us into computing.)

You are all wrong. 1x10^11 is a metric fuckton.