
@CallMeJordy265: You would be surprised at how much data some people have. Besides in this case - who knows, he may be running a file server for a bunch of friends or something.

@jspeed04: WTF is wrong with you?! You find it funny when people get hurt? Well, I almost want to say that I'd love to see you get hurt and then see people around you laughing at you. But I'm not going to say that. Or did I already?

@halopower67: China has been buying land all over this planet, so I bet they are ready to continue production of anything they will ever need. With the amount of money and power they've got now it'll be very hard to oppose them.

@acidrain69: You think it's that easy? Not at all, I'm afraid.

@lazaruspryor: This quote just shows how ignorant US public is to anything but little, pointless events inside of their country.

@soldstatic: If your problem is SATA ports, then it's easy and cheap to get an PCI-E SATA controller cards. HDD bays in any computer case is a bigger problem in my experience.

@AssuntaPabsy: Why is that? I've used green WD drives with my hardware RAID with no problems other than some issues with host computer. I've switched away from hardware RAIDs as I find them too failure prone.

@Freezen: What I've been doing for years now is partially what you want to do. My OS is on C drive, while everything else is on D or whatever. I install an OS, install all of the software I need and then just make an image of drive C using Acronis TrueImage (great piece of software!). I don't bother installing

@Freezen: That's why I switched away from hardware RAID systems - too much can go wrong there. With current computers you don't really need hardware RAID for your home use as I really doubt you need high available hardware for your personal use. RAIDs were designed for making storage highly available even in case of

@parachoid: Oh, yes! Sinclair with a cassette tape! And the best games EVAR! :)

@MrGrinch: What are you talking about - 'BAD'? You clearly don't know what these are designed for. If all you want is speed - go ahead and spend thousands on terabytes of SSD. These 'green' drives are the greatest things ever for any sort of storage (NAS, home file servers) where you don't need fast drives anyway

@Ian Logsdon: Or used in some sort of a parity calculation storage units.

@Chewmieser: It's only good if you have one or two drives in your system. But if you think about NAS or file servers (for home use), then you quickly run out of SATA ports and 3.25" bays in your computer case.

@Piedmont_Bob: I agree with the statement that some industries need to be regulated. Look at the crap bankers got the whole world into after they were deregulated and did whatever they wanted to make trillions - they made all the money the wanted giving nothing back and now regular people will pay the price with no

@Dr. Nemmo: Well, it's good you've added that part at the end - missiles were the first thing that crossed my mind! :)

@psybab: 100% agree... It is unreal what they get away with. I think that some sort of government regulation should be a part of all major industries. I know that there are a lot of negatives associated with gov. involvement, but how else would you force these companies to treat customers like human?

@707kevin: Oh yes. I saw the jump yesterday and was mad at myself for not getting into google a few weeks ago when I was thinking about it.