
@philselmer: Hrmm... Looking at that link I see this "At 85 miles (137 km) long and 13.5 feet (4.1 m) wide, the Delaware Aqueduct is the world's longest continuous underground Aqueduct." So, no 'tunnel' anywhere in there.

@Zshelley: Sweden? You meant Switzerland, didn't you? :)

@Dodge2002: Did you ever take a 24-36 hour trip with 2-3 stopovers? If not, then it can be hard to explain. But sleeping even on 3 narrow seats is infinitely better than trying to do that while seating (especially if you're tall). I cannot sleep siting up right and it is hard to travel with no sleep for a long time.

@KamWrex: I think that the length of flights has something to do with that. They must have originally had quite spacious seating to win customers and now it'd be hard to change that. Or maybe I'm wrong. All I know is that most North American airlines are so far behind airlines from Europe or Asia in their service and

@Jackstick: Good boy. Go get a candy from your idol for defending him :)

33 ipods? How generous of the "greatest mind"! Not!

These are used as decoys and are a very good idea for any country that can be in a military conflict. Don't think that you're smarter than people who came up with and built these - they look real on radars, spy shots, etc. and can be used to divert attacks from real targets.

@RtFusion: It's pretty cool being in St Maarten and watching planes land and take off there, while drinking a beer on a beach. Hard to beat that!

@ScaryMerry: Hrmm.. I think you might be basing your opinions on something that may have or have not been a reality. Also, even if I would believe all feminist propaganda out there, I wouldn't go as far as saying that 40-50 years ago women had no rights. Maybe you think about some other cultures? But hey, everyone is

@robelirobban: Haha.. Well, I am fine with Java, I'm fine with C++, I'm definitely ok with C#. But when I looked at Objective C and XCode, I cannot believe that someone actually makes applications with that. A horrible language syntax, awful ideas about creating UI, ass-backwards ways of managing IDE with only few

@minibeardeath: Well, I didn't mean it as insult or anything like that. I just hear too many people talk about something without even trying it. So, I always say - try it and then decide. I am too sometimes try to jump to conclusions, but more often than not I'm proved wrong in those cases. So, I'd say - lets wait for

@TheTechnocrat: And you cannot beat .NET languages, especially when compared with Objective C (what a horrible language!)

@nolabar10der: Lots of crap didn't work for me either, that's why I simply got rid of Ubuntu - I'm too old to be wasting time on something that just doesn't work.

@Tills13: Whose choice? I'm sorry, but you can speak only for yourself. I have both of these browsers, but I dropped using Chrome as I find Firefox much more friendly to me. But this is my opinion and I'm not saying "Everyone is selecting Firefox".

@ScaryMerry: How does wearing something affects anybody's rights?

@Niteman cometh: And how is that different from other platforms?

@minibeardeath: Did you even try to hold it? No! So stop being so negative and so self-assuring - you have no idea how it holds and you're definitely not the smartest person out there - most likely manufacturer thought about this issue and addressed it.

@oneinsixbillion: WTF? You're saying it's the US who won WW2 and not USSR? Wow.. I guess you're a product of US education. For your information, US went into the war only after they saw that USSR started to prevail in the battlefield and US didn't want to allow USSR to go through Europe on it's own possibly getting