
@Settings: Darwin, Newton? WTF? When did you hear them talking about global warming?

@ThePriceofEggsinMalta: You're not "trying to be a dick here", yet your tone and words show the opposite.

@Destronok: Celebration? Of the end of privacy, surrender of your intimate pieces of data to a third party, giving control over all digital to someone? How noble of you to await that!

@ArmyMP: I think it's just you.

@aquaclear: Good point. I like your position. +1.

@Settings: Well, actually there are bunch of scientists out there who said it's a load of crap. Taking a really wide view on reality I would tend to agree with them more than with those who profit from 'global warming' idea and scare tactics.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Or should you have said 'smart'? Stupid don't get rich. :)

@Scarred4life: I think you have one too many 'r' in your nickname... No?

@Settings: Perfect stand of a modern responsible citizen! I salute you!

@FriedPeeps: What a pathetic stand you have...

@chefgon: Way to go! Become a real coach potato! :)

@jiveabillion: Hrmm.. Have you been to any of the new HD cinemas? If not, you should try it. Picture quality is unreal.

@StupidSimple: You gotta be not hungry at all to fly to Italy for pizza.. Think about the flight time! :)

@RainyDayInterns: Noone really keeps 100M in a bank. That would be plain stupid. And people with 100M are not stupid for sure :)

@TheAncient: Doesn't make any sense, though.

@Settings: Oh, didn't realize that. Thanks for the explanation.

@Settings: Comparing two same locations with the same zoom level would be fair. Your screenshots are misleading.

@Nitesh: @Stem_Sell: Good ones to both of you! :)

@anitesh.jaswal: That's what I would have thought too. I doubt regular digital or film cameras are way below 60K price anyway.