
@dyowell: Well, that's your opinion. In my view, anything that enhances your experience in a movie theater is interesting. Given, that the enhancement has some quality to it.

@CVDon: To each it's own.

@lewis82: Beauty is in the eyes of a beholder.

@splash8204: Who cares about the letters? The government doesn't give a shit. But openly protesting is the only way to achieve something. You think the rights you enjoy appeared out of thin air and by themselves? Millions of people fought for them and gave their lives so people like you can have even some freedoms.

@splash8204: You don't want to be a part of a society where people have a right to protest? Well, get the hell out of that society and go to China, where they all comply and you'll be happy.

@tomsomething: I think every single word of it says that. She is very selfish and doesn't afraid to show that and pretend that it's a superior position.

@tonysantos82: Very true. Society of useless citizens this is. Sad.

Yes, fighting for your rights peacefully and calmly is ridiculous and offensive to such great minds of our civilization as the author of this post.

@The Artgineer: Dude, you make too much sense for all this, so, everyone will find some horror story to prove you wrong.

@JstSqzd: But how do you keep people scared? :)

@OMG! Ponies!: Hey, dude, I wasn't calling you names. You and your artificial points, dumbass.

@Francisco Galárraga: Haha :) I did, a little, and lost my star :) Diaz is Da King here, so, don't you even think to touch him! :)

Oh, Diaz, taking my star for not praising you and bowing to you? :) So childish... But hey, pretty much expected!

@OMG! Ponies!: Good comparison there. Did you have 'A' in history and political science? :)

@drno31: Hrmm.. So, based on your comment of imprisoned and executed humans, we can safely call quite a few 'first world' countries 'dictatorships', don't you think? :)

As always very "insightful" write up by Diaz. Seeing black and white only in life? Or just believing anything told in school or in mass media? Good job!