
Christ I wish you'd put that behind some kind of spoiler cut. I already had knowledge that this had happened, really really REALLY did not need to see graphic moving evidence and an actual dog's face to associate with it. I am not normally an overly sensitive person or a militant "trigger warning" type person, either,

Looks as if the dog just discovered a clue behind the bed.

I don't think it's that, really... There's no way to prove these rapes happened anymore beyond what the victims say. Given that over 30 people have accused him, it's kind of a "well, duh" conclusion in casual conversations, but in a legal sense, it's all circumstantial. Circumstantial evidence, no matter how good and

why doesn't he sue the shit out of everyone who says he is a rapist? Oh that's right, he has no leg to stand on,

Right— these defamation suits are the only way these women will ever get a day in court against him, and they're the only way that Cosby will ever get to face his accusers in court, so of COURSE his lawyers want to maintain radio silence! If Cosby was obligated to start talking, he'd bury himself in a New York minute.

I posted them because everyone always bashes the ultrapixel camera. It's not horrible though. To mention, I did edit those more in light room, but that's typical.

Anyone else see a funny face on Froakie?

I like to pretend that bc she was raised as a scientologist that it's just easier to go along for family's sake but she is really areligious or an atheist.

Not sure what else to say... but that was the most adorable tornado test I have ever seen.

The Athiests vs. Christians isn't really the same because superstition isn't the same as scientifically verifiable / disprovable theory. You are correct though in that the ignorantly superstitious will ignore logic equally, be it in the topic of metaphysics or physiological health.

Race casrs, lazers, aeroplanes, it's all a duck blur!

Disney, if you change the theme song you are dead to me. Seriously, what's the point without it?

Yes, the leaders of these terrorist organizations benefit from the money and materials they steal. They are still recruiting poor people to do their dirty work.

*Clicks the Bookmark button on the browser*

take me for what i am

Clearly. Goes without saying.

Lady, I was busy killing internet dragons for the past hour, what do you want from me

Burrito bowls! Save the tortilla calories and get the guac! Mmm.

I don't even pretend I'm eating healthy when I go to Qdoba (same thing, right?) I start off ok, with the veggie bowl, but then it becomes, "yeah sour cream and guacamole and queso and maybe let me just come back there and shovel fistfuls of shredded cheese directly into my mouth since I'm paying 10 fucking dollars for