

If only Jason and Chidi would also start showing an interest in each other.

Long answer: yes.

Janet seemed really pleased when Michael told him he had become attached to her, almost like her telling him to kill her was a test that he passed.

Oof. Now there is something that is sometimes implied in moral ethics- revolution!

This seemed to me like more evidence for my theory that Janet is becoming God from being rebooted so many times! Right now the person she made isn’t great, but if she keeps getting better and better at it... she can already create worlds, so add in people, and you basically have a God, no?

Mantzoukas has the perfect shape of head for someone’s first attempt at creating a human.

I demand cookies; my prediction about why Janet was glitching was 100% correct. :)

I think that’s possible, but I also think it’s possible that the Good Place lets Janets go for free because they tend to improve things wherever they go and that fits in with the Good Place’s central mission.

If the previous series was about the growth of the 4 humans, this series is about the growth of Michael. I think they are assuming that we’ll take for granted the humans are growing like we saw in season 1. As of now I’ll give them that. They’ve earned the chance to do a little short hand from time to time. However I

Good point. Guys like Trump have been carefully curating the people they speak with for years now, controlling their every interaction to ensure they are only speaking with people who either owe him or want to be indebted to him.

I don’t think he is. I don’t think either one of them would pass the Turing test.

I hate Trump as much as the next person but this is petty.

Is the answer obvious though? I mean, it depends on how you look at it. If you change the track and kill the one guy, you’re directly responsible for his death, instead of the other guys who just have terrible luck. Unless you view inaction as a choice in and of itself, making you culpable if you don’t pull the lever.

Hey, chill out. I had the same immediate reaction. You are beyond the curve on this.

You can’t change the narrative if you don’t change the language. The right is in power, in part because they know that. There’s a reason the death tax isn’t popular but the estate tax is. There’s a reason that end of life counseling got taken out of the ACA.

SNL strives for laughs over truth, and there was something funny/relatable for a while about seeing these people as secretly being as horrified as us. At this point, it’s clear that they’re all sociopaths and cowards.

So. Women of color and queer women have been pointing out the problems with "feminism" since forever, and it's a white dude's decision to go with "genderist" that makes you decide to write an article on how it's ok to not identify that way? Women who eschew the label are routinely held up as punching bags for you

It may not be subversive or smart-ass, but it is weird. And fuck it, I don't see what's so subversive about the Adult Swim line up. ("Smart ass" I'll cop to, except for King of the Hill, which has always been an oddly sincere show.)