
No it isn’t! The trailer’s Porg moment is used when they talk about the film having “wacky” moments.

I might have parsed this wrong, but are you saying Luke definitely isn’t a virgin? Because nothing actually establishes that one way or the other.

One reason I personally could never help create a Star Wars movie of any success is that I would feel the need to deconstruct way too much of the originals, including the celebration of violence and the belief that someone can morally make up for genocide if they just kill their master or whatever.

Such a

I’ve always figured the Sith Rule of Two thing was inherently unenforceable (what’s to stop any give Jedi or other Force master to just… turn evil?), and that Force-users can’t always inuit the presence/existence of other Force-users, or else the Emperer would have known about Obi-wan and Yoda hiding out.

Luke’s total disillusionment with the Jedi nicely paralleled the frequent fan disappointment/embarrassment over Star Wars itself. He even calls lightsabers “laser swords”, which was so funny (and gutsy, writing-wise) that I almost lost it. He’s like a father who had dressed up at the 1980 premiere of Empire, but

I think Poe not being told, and therefore taking matters into his own hands, add to the tragedy of his initial hotheaded disobedience of Leia’s order to retreat at the beginning. After all, were he still a commander (and not in Leia’s contempt), perhaps Holdo would have shared the information.

If anything, my problem

Seeing this comment now is funny, because not only are there lasers, at one point Luke literally refers to “laser swords”. (I hope that didn’t spoil anything for anybody.)

Unfortunately, it’s not quite as sophisticated as that. Those Rashomon flashbacks were interesting, but I disliked the way they painted a certain other character for the sake of moral complexity. Also, we still don’t get a *real* explanation for Ben’s fall into Kylo, just a sense of why his grudge would be as intense

There’s something very mildly refreshing about a comedy establishing the penis size of an aggressive asshole character as anything other than “tiny and hence inspiring overcompensation”. (Although the exchange between Jake and Vulture on the subject can be interpreted a lot of different ways.)

The article isn’t saying that people who use the term are right-wing. In fact, it presumes that just about everyone, of all political stripes, DOES use the term, today. Its point is merely that we should consider not using the term in the future, not that using it is some indicator of one’s inner beliefs.

If we can’t

For me, the density of the stunts was the only thing that detracted from it; I prefer when the contrivances (and other participants solving them) are closer to plausibility. As it was, we just had to assume that everyone managed to spy on or anticipate everyone else’s moves waaay in advance.

Braugher’s pause and slight head-tilt between “Happily” and “… provided” was spot-on.