
I’ll also say that as his commanding officer, she doesn’t have to explain every detail to him. She could have explained the plan, and maybe he’d have been on board, or maybe he’d have argued that he had a better plan, or a better version of hers, and then everyone else chimes in with their opinion because apparently

Fair enough! I guess (as I stated below) I would have figured from Poe’s standpoint he’d be less likely to mutiny if the plan was ‘Retreat and call in reinforcements’ rather than ‘Wait here and twiddle our thumbs until we die’. But what do I know! I’ve never even shot a womp rat.

Snoke seems like a plot device that wasn’t even really intended to be a mystery. Like, early on they decided that the Empire is the First Order now, and nobody really thought the backstory of the new emperor guy was all that important. Honestly, he seemed fairly boring—maybe if Force Awakens had established some

I don’t think it’s a logic hole at all—they’re fleeing to a top secret base, that most people don’t even know about. With Poe’s demotion, he probably didn’t have clearance to know most of it before they got there.

I thought the movie did an interesting job underlining how profoundly lonely Rey is in some ways. Her parents abandoned her, her would-be mentor is frightened of her power, the person who best understands her is a psychopathic dictator, and even Finn is fundamentally different from her. Luke was always defined by the

I might have been fooled into taking Poe’s POV if he didn’t come across a such a foolish loose-canon. I could tell what the film was trying to do, but it wasn’t working.

I loved it from the second Luke tossed the lightsaber over his shoulder. I imagine others began tearing their hair out. Oh well, let them write their super-awesome Snoke fan fiction I guess.

One non-spoiler observation: I ended up enjoying the back-and-forth between Kylo and Hux this time out.

Most younger SW fans are baffled by the relatively mixed reception Empire Strikes Back received in 1980. So was I.

Obviously she uses the force.

It’s when you want your arms warm but not too warm, you know.

But by this point, what could be more in the Star Wars spirit than figuratively shitting on the original trilogy?

I certainly enjoyed and appreciated it more than any of the prequel films or The Force Startles Into Abrupt Wakefulness, Glances Around Confused.

Conversely, I actually was a lot more invested in Rogue One than The Force Awakens precisely because I knew all the characters would probably have to die by the end of the movie (if anything, there was actually some tension in if they wouldn’t, which would be an actually very dangerous move from a storytelling

Oddly enough, the director has confirmed there are NO lasers. Just fists.

Ezra Miller? The Flash? Does Snoke know The Perks of Being a Wallflower?

I’m going to write a new screenplay that’s like a cross between The Goonies and Stranger Things....

At the end of the movie, Leia says “ Oy, I am tired of all these Star Wars”

This rebellion drags on and on — an interminable cauldron of death and destruction. I think of the rebellion in Syria, which is mercifully winding down at long last. Eventually it’s in everybody best interest to resolve the conflict one way or another. Maybe it’s best for the Empire to win.

The existential crisis I have that keeps me from continuing to see these movies, or the Marvel movies for that matter is that lack of stakes or resolution.