
The most modern I can tell is good computers. It’s hard as shit to tell. They don’t have guns, cars, and tanks because they’re kinda useless. It seems like , based on Boruto stuff , there was a way longer period between the invention technology and public use. They had modern computers at the end of Naruto but we

Although I’m not sure the “Not one of ours” is that, the ones at about the 50 second mark definitely look like they are.

I want this so badly but there is no goddamn way an American version could ever exist and work well.

I think until the day a father does a no armor Dark Souls run you are father of the year forever.

I am so excited for this I just hope they either don’t spend too long on the ending or change it . it’s so friggin stupid.

There is no Y. It is literally all XX women.

It was the vibration of the jowls shaking that caused his penis to be dislodged from his body.

I’ve been following the comics since a few weeks after the debut. I’m so happy they’re going to print!!!

I’m loving this trend they have where they try to talk extensively about race while using as few non-white people as possible.

I’m honestly in love with what they’re doing here. This is what they’v been doing with Paladins in the first place, taking what’s been getting big and giving it an honestly clever and fun addon. The card system in Paladins, plus add in the MOBA upgrade system has been a blast. Adding a class and kit system sound like

“It’s in games, too. League of Legends recently introduced a flirty child champion named Zoe who is several thousand years old, although she couldn’t be considered sexualized.”

You say that like it isn’t true and everything I want

not worst, definetly saddest. Hardcore fans emulating someone who the show screams is a terrible role model and human being. Worst I give to Undertale, for soooo much weird porn.

I feel that’s the fate of all not extremely blatant satire at this point. I feel the same thing was happening to South Park until they began to take the “This is not a joke we feel the opposite of this “ to a major level recently. It’s what killed the Chappelle show too.

As someone who watches Rick and Morty and didn’t exist when the sauce was a thing, I was actually pretty excited to try it. I presumed the obsession was based the actual preference some writers had for it, and wanted to see if it was up to snuff.

I just can’t get behind this idea that you can put microtransactions of any sort into a game you paid 60 bucks for. If you put that much cash into a game, I better not have to pay a cent for anything other than DLC.

Is it bad that I could fully see myself watching and enjoyng this anime? I mean it’s an interesting plotline, it pulls on an interesting point (I mean squidward hates his job but he can quit whenever he wants to) and I enjoy the sinister effect it gives to chum.

I’ve never been that into Saints Row , but I’ve seen trailers for Agents of mayhem and learning that this game came from the ending of a DLC (plus admittedly a sale and the joy of disposable income) just gave me all the motivation to buy III and IV

I feel like it’s impossible to make any good remake for one single reason, and two for any adult who enjoyed the original to enjoy it: in general, the key to a good movie is us having no idea what to expect going in. That’s what makes any great movie, the surprises, learning and experiencing new things, and having a

When it comes to gentrification , there are really two forms. There’s people joining a community, bringing in homes and businesses and a new culture that creates a blended community of old and new, which is pretty friggin awesome. However, there’s what’s become more common, when elites discover a more “rustic” (aka