
I’m at a point in my life where, as someone who didn’t have the computer or money to buy iconic titles right as they came out, find myself playing them several years later. I ended up playing Mass Effect 3 in 2016, and just finished Inquisition early this year. While many were enraged by the lack of choice in the

Valve has had a massive chokehold on the PC market for a terrifyingly long time. Although in a ton of other cased I’d be displeased with Epic using money like this to give itself an artificial edge, I honestly feel it (at least initially) needs to in order to beat the juggernaut that Valve has created. So long as they people did not realize shit like this may actually be better for all of us in the longrun? Another non-developer made game only launch market and store will keep competition up and make sure Steam doesn’t get to just rest on its laurels and be continue to make the crap decisions they’ve been making. Having to

Nobody is talking about the fact that Scorpion is dabbing at 00:54 seconds and they should be

They succeeded at his name, but they goofed up Saiyan real good.

I tried this game after reading the article and found it to be a delightful experience that made me think about how I spend my day to day/relationships and examine how I wanted to spend my life and then I DIED IN THE MIDDLE OF A SENIOR SOFTBALL MATCH BECAUSE I OVEREXTENDED MYSELF

Now playing

The SAO abridged done by Something Witty Enterteainment on youtube is fucking phenomenal. Turns Kirito into a allegory for gamers that’s fun to see, adds excellent dimensions to the characters (particularly Asuna), and honestly has tons of moments that pack far more emotional power. Turned a piece of shit show that

If by “Scary” you mean “gives you the ability to more easily open fire on unarmed individuals before they realize what’s happening” then yes, anything “scary” needs to go.

By basic handgun, I meant something you pretty much just buy and put directly to use. No major augmentations by you or a third party to make it in any way superior to other firearms. The equivalent to most guns you get at the start of a Far Cry game. And at least to me, the idea of a firearm having more augmentations,

I feel like it’s hard to tell legitimacy of the lawsuit unless we know what kind of firearm is used. If it’s anything less than like, a basic handgun or something else concealable, he kinda has a point. They let someone come in with a weapon with some kind of red dot sight with no security in the space or had someone

Elon Musk honestly reminds me of the worst bits of Tony Stark. He has this sheer, innate desire to help people, which is awesome, but he doesn’t ask people what they want. He does a thing he thinks will work then looks around confused when people aren’t satisfied and it doesn’t work out. He doesn’t confer with others

I know these are a lot of important things but WOLF’S BACK WOLF’S BACK WOLF’S BACK!

After reading this article, all I can think of is when I learned about the reconstruction period after the civil war. The union soldiers kept the former confederacy in effect, and this let Black people begin to make major steps in becoming equal members of society.....until they left less then a decade in and let

You know what? At least this thing seems like it’ll have a coherent plot of some form.

(short summary: first time DM deals with an asshole by having a goblin beat him almost to death)

It’s almost like a queue system would motivate players who normally play super common roles (i.e DPS) to diversify and pick other classes. As someone who regularly plays tank and healer, and sees team comp go to shit because some fucker wants to play quarterback (DPS gets all the glory, doesn’t who a ton of work)

Honestly, I’ve loved the simplicity of her parentage. With the way star wars is, I’m surprised there hasn’t been a swath of characters who have seen how their lives have been altered by the turmoil of Skywalkers. I mean seriously, there have to be plenty of people who have lost their family to multiple skywalkers. It

I’m so happy you mentioned Dungeon World! I’ve been running it for a good while now and I’ve found that the experience is so much more fun than basic D&D. I especially love how none of the progression is tied to combat. I feel like so much of the fighting in a lot of games is tied to the fact it’s the only way to get

It’s a mix, and there are plenty of straight ones, Genji and Mercy and Reindhart+ Ana to name a few. It is primarily LGBT communities that propagate due to a lack of representation, but it’s also because of chemistry. In a lot of media, opposite sex people don’t interact unless there’s an implication of romance

a’ve had an emotional wave with the development of this movie. One one hand, they made a lot of edits. The movie looks like it’s your stereotypical dystopian uprising film, plus they turned Art3mis into someone who I’m unsure if they’ll pass the sexy lamp test and got rid of her Port-wine stain, and may have