
Nope. Abortions get a pass
. Google it.

Well, don't evangelical Christians believe aborted "womb babies" are at this very minute floating around in heaven, getting their slimy umbilical cords caught up in angels' hair?

I live in Melbourne, and I just downloaded and watched it in a hotel room in Greece. Kind of surreal. I'll let you know if I'm called on to assassinate anyone.

I'm still kind of dazed by the fact that my favorite TV series ended in my home state while I'm on the other side of the world.

No. David asked to not wake up.

It was a cold, sad ending that's haunted me for years. It's still the best on-screen depiction of the end of humanity.

There's even more of a connection to Peter Weir's The Last Wave.

He was only in the US Marine Corps for 3 years, as far as I can glean.

Chris Sunday was played by David Gulpilil, who featured in one of Peter Weir's early films, The Last Wave, as Chris Lee. If you know The Last Wave, you'll get this is more than coincidental.

Didn't Gary Busey's lookalike son play an insane evangelist in an environment very similar to Jardin in "Contact"? First thing I thought of when I saw the inflatable Busey.

Hitler was ragarded as a joke by the establishment until the day he became the establishment.

Hitler and the nazis were a joke in 1933.

If only someone had stood up for the rights of Nazis in 1933.

The most humiliating rejection by a band of its biggest fan since Radiohead trolled Scott Tennerman.

CGI Jaxxon!

"We followed up by asking …why the majority of the shoes (and, as far as we can
tell, the smaller sizes) were reserved for overseas buyers."

He prefers the term "artificial person" himself.

Ace Ventura exiting from a rhino's ass (vag?) in When Nature Calls?

We saw the plane making a crazy descent in Fear the Walking Dead a couple of episodes ago.

Network executive fiat had nothing to do with the demise of the Lone Gunmen. We all know they had to pay the price for exposing the truth about 9/11 6 months before 9/11.