
Are you kidding? "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose" is a Darin Morgan script! It's also Kumail Nanjiani's favorite episode.

This show is derivative, blandly written and acted, and uninspiringly directed. I have no idea why AV Club keeps lapping at its tiny wayward balls.

I think i need to clear my cache of anything that says "mom on pop".

Shooting San Andreas in Queensland was revenge for shooting the Queensland flashback scenes in "Saving Mr Banks" in California.

The Hall of Justice parking lot is still there: it's a parking lot at the University of Melbourne. But the Hall of Justice building they used for exterior shots ( a cookie factory) was turned into upscale apartments a few years ago.

See, that's what I hate about MP3 files. You don't get that warm sound of cassette recorder wheels. Squeak, squeak, squeak…

Him and Jacki Weaver. Whatever would they have in common…

Neeson has no negative feelings towards his Star Wars role, which is exemplified by the fact he happily returned to voice Qui-Gon Jinn in the Clone Wars animated series as recently as 2014.

Yes, but we got piratebay at the same time as everyone else, so it's all good.

To be fair, Mel's grandmother was an Australian opera singer, so his father didn't just choose Australia at random when he moved his family there.

Me thinks Davis has been pondering squirting men for many a night.

Yeah, this film was about Christians in Africa and the Middle East, and not about a country where an atheist has to lie about loving baby Jesus to get elected…right?

Did anyone else realize that Ginsberg's descent into psychosis recreated HAL 9000's in "2001", complete with the lip-reading scene between astronauts David Bowman and Frank Poole?

Buzz Aldrin's got a five-fingered response for you.

"Top of the Lake" was to be set in Australia, but Elisabeth Moss's casting caused the ABC to withdraw funding. This led to the production, and the setting, to shift to New Zealand.

Thor is an Asgardian and Wolverine is Canadian, so why would you expect them to be played by Americans?

Alec Sulkin couldn't even be bothered to google the 2000 Olympics (Sydney, not Athens) or Israeli windsurfer Gal Fridman (2004 gold medalist, not 2000). That's lazy writing.

Gen's treasuring of her career KGB grandfather's Order of Lenin is a perfect example of why I love this show: its refusal to take sides against anyone but Finch's and John's enemies of the moment.

Anyone who wants to see how a sudden time jump in a season finale should be handled, watch the last ep. of season 2 of Battlestar Galactica. Fuck you, True Blood.

So authentic amputee trumps acting ability? DJ Qualls isn't really in a wheelchair, dude.