Barf Tannen

To say its not their fault is to ignore the fact that Toys R Us was in trouble in ‘05 in the first place. Furthermore to say its not their fault ignores the fact that the company agreed to sell to Bain and company.

When a business thinks that them doing poorly is not even their fault, they’re usually not strategically and forward-thinking businesses. Selling the business to vultures is a choice that is made willingling (outside the stock market). Giving in to greed and giving the companies to vultures was a very poor choice,

It’s easy to say “It wasn’t their fault”, but Toys R Us has always charged higher than retail prices on a lot of premium toys. Go look at ANY lego set, and a set that’s $19.99 at Wal-Mart, Target, or ANY other retailer is $25 dollars at Toys R Us. An action figure that’s $9.99 at those places is $12 or $13 dollars at

Well, I guess my idea to market a production run of licensed “Juan Deere” lawn tractors featuring the Mexicools won’t get any traction now.

This kind of subversive anti-American talk is why we lost Vietnam.

“a gritty Yosemite Sam reboot.”

How could they leave out my Terrap-

Todd Frazier, who’s two years older and coming off a weaker season than Moustakas.

Spanish speaking countries are great places for serving missions because you can usually find Jesus

“I don’t get it”

you can see Nash’s delicate, savvy save in all its glory.

This is going to be a tough time for “peoplekind.”

I can’t help it...

Sorrey not sorrey

Always been conflicted about Watts. As a black man I respected the fact that he gave wrestlers of color pushes and responsibility in his Mid South/UWF. Junkyard Dog, Ernie Ladd and Savannah Jack to name a few. Still when this broke in 1993 it looked like the end had come for one of the great careers in this business.

Dammit Brock it was fine when you hit on Nurse Joy but you went too far

I see how it is—when LeBron yells defensive coverages to his colleagues, he’s the best player of his era but when I yell offensive coverages to my co-workers I have to go to HR and explain that I was just quoting New York Times columnist, Quinn Norton.

Maybe it was for personal use- you know- like when you buy the 5 lb jar of peanut butter at Costco...

I thoroughly enjoyed the appropriate appropriations of Stone Cold’s “...gimme a hell yeah” and then the “What” responses from the crowds.
There are a lot of people in WWE that could learn a thing or two about promos from this.

Well well well, lo and behold, the Super Bowl gave us a goddamn dick tackle. ROLL THE TAPE!