
Can I support JoJo, her positivity and bravery in coming out in spite of potential fall out with companies and fans, be horrified about the jackasses who swatted her and yet still find the idea of being trapped in an elevator utterly exhausting and only mildly preferable to dealing in the same situation with a FoxNews

Direct question to Brandy here - and not to SAD. You okay girl? And no, that isn’t a sarcastic query. While, yeah, we are all just kinda dragging 2020 around with us like a dead corpse we not only can’t seem to kick off but appears to have brought his zombie of a baby brother along for the ride - but, ah. the question

Never had the product mentioned, but have had (and made) a ton of chicory and dug up my fair share of dandelion roots over the years.

~I have to wonder if at least some of these guys are straight up scared for their lives.~

The weight issue and attention it grabs is insanity making. Now, at the start of 2020, I ~was~ too heavy. A size 18 on a 6'2 body (toss in natural HH’s. Gah.) is a LOT of person. I’ve always gotten some staring, not because I’m pretty (I’m... fine. I don’t scare children, I don’t make dogs freak out, but I’m aware in

Eep. I think I may be in that category, or at least adjacent. It just feels weird to me to go into someone’s home and see no books, no magazines, not even an e-reader. As a person who struggles with anxiety, I confess that there is comfort in seeing them, they give at least a baseline of what the person I am visiting

Ugh. The outloud was the worst. I was in honor’s English and the school made the awesome choice (said with every bit of sarcasm and bitterness decades later) of having the LD kids in the same class, thinking it would motivate the kids struggling and teach the honor kids how to teach. Instead it created a room of kids

I think I got seriously lucky as a book person because of my weird childhood. After having to read (and be able to recite) all the begatories in the bible, having twice (seriously) read the phone book because I was grounded and as that had ‘can’t read any book other than the bible, KJ edition’ clause in it, I’ll read

(So the following is clear - the ‘You’ used is not directed at anyone here, it’s a generalized ‘you’) The whole idea of how shaming is wrong kinda bucks the whole concept of the complete course of human history. When we chose to join a group, the collective social rules of right/wrong are one of the main precepts the

If I just happened to be at the right place/right time? I’d jump on that in a hot second and there is no point in trying to be cute about the fact, or behave like I am hemming and hawing over what I would do. That said, when it comes down to a case of ‘yo, we got this, we’re closing in 10 min, come to the pharmacy if

At this exact second? Period from hell that: Tylenol 3 isn’t touching, I’m out of chocolate icecream and it’s only day 8... of usually 15. (I DID say period from hell. Jerked back and forth over the hysterectomy I was supposed to have in November... until the dr closed her practice without telling anyone, my records

I have to agree to that, but raise it. Gram used to make dishes with unwashed and gritty greens... and okra. Slime is bad. Grit is bad. Slimy grit causes a 40 year old woman to feel physically ill just looking at okra years later. Shudder.

I just can’t see anyway they can all keep working together. You are going to have people stressed beyond belief - the ones who are legitimately worried about their safety from potential attacks by their coworkers are going to be on edge all the time. Everything from stress headaches to nightmares, to even just

Good! Now, make sure that A: you know how (okay look, that isn’t an insult. Almost everyone thinks they can throw a punch. Most can’t. So have someone you trust make sure you can because chipping a knuckle in your hand against an orbital bone hurts like a sumbitch. And yes, at this point, I’m starting to become a full

Dumb question here, but... are breakup bangs (and massive hair changes in general due to relationship status) really a thing? Maybe it’s because hair has never been all that much of a thing to me - it’s hair, it grows, if it gets screwed up, that’s why the gods gave us hats and clippers. (Currently rocking purple,

Hell, I don’t want even them. Somehow “Let’s put a massive group of people who support Biden - and their families - in one nice neat place for maximum ‘oh shit’ery seems like a really bad idea at the moment. Put him into the White House and freaking live stream the thing. And really, how much better of a visual could

I fully understand that what I am about to post is going to be viewed as full on tinfoil hat here, but I can’t seem to shake it.

No need to Thunderdome it from her brother. Her daddy dearest has made it clear he only loves one (alright two, Baron is apparently as “beautiful” as she is, at least until he is in a position to ever not be a perfect clone of his dad) of his kids. Don Jr seems to only get the crumbs of any fatherly affection.

I think for now, I’m just going to stick with my normal plan. I eat meat, do my best to find ethical when possible and when I want to eat less meat I... drumroll please....

I’m struggling with how this is a question. Still kinda sick from the attempted excuse of ‘well, I didn’t know he was a rapist until he graduated”. You knew. At any point in time, you had actual knowledge the man was drugging and raping women. You knew. How many women did you shrug your shoulders over being assaulted?