
And what would Trump have said about people that held the Boston Tea Party? That they should shut up and respect England? Or that the Confederate State of America (which supporters so love to romanticize) WHOLLY disrespected the nation and the flag by seceeding from the Union and coming up with their own flag, and

Jesus tapdancing Christ, well done.

As a veteran I am sick and fucking tired of being used as a poster for the right in general. Like a lot, maybe most, people I signed up for a lot of reasons, family, circumstance, patriotism and to get the fuck out of small town. If I’d known 30 years later my service would used like this, I would’ve taken that job at

Borrowed virtue is the best virtue. It costs the borrower nothing, but feels so fulfilling.

I’m white, but I’m not THAT white.

there’s not ethical breach of contract

“Unsportmanlike Conduct, number 58, defense. Said “PSYCHE!” to the opposing quarterback.”

Also being a business owner, the first rule is you don’t take fights on things that don’t concern your business.

I had both the luck and honor to play 18 holes of golf with Oakley at Maple Moor, a public hackers track in Westchester County in the ‘90s. He should up just to play by himself, no entourage. I was walking and he had a cart. He insisted I join him in the cart and bought all food & drink that day. His exact quote was,

I want someone to note that Alice Paul, Harriet Tubman, and Henry David Thoreau also did things for the freedoms we enjoy today, not just the self-proclaimed heroes of the military and police and those who hide behind them.

“We’re the only people allowed to profit off your kids.” - Mark Emmert

In case you haven’t met a vet that has absolutely no problem with any of these protests and doesn’t feel disrespected in the slightest: Hi, it’s nice to meet you.

Give them credit for fighting for their right to murder black people with impunity. It’s in the Constitution, people. At least I think it is. If not, it will be soon.

The only thing Brock Osweiler stands for is aggressive mediocrity.

Midnight and no one else is around? A spoon, a handful of chocolate chips and the tub of peanut butter.

I watched this as an MMA fan and a Conor fan, 100% certain he was going to lose. You don’t have to know anything about combat sports to know that an elite level boxer will beat a non professional boxer in a boxing match basically every single time no matter how skilled the amateur is at other elements of fighting,

That last paragraph.

“ As someone else mentioned, he was allowing Conor to land the jab in order to punish his body. If you have never taken a right cross to the gut repeatedly, let me tell you, it is a pain that runs through your core, and after a while, you don’t have the energy to keep your hands up.”

Is that what you call putting him as the headliner on 4 FOX cards? 4 times he has been on a national network channel during primetime and still people complain that they didn’t do enough to promote him. He isn’t a fighter that fans react to (on a large scale) and no amount of money will change that. Tiny fighters

MMA is kind of a unique animal, though, in that it doesn’t run in seasons, making any comparison to NFL/MLB/NHL/etc. inherently flawed and they don’t want to get the rep of being scripted, so they can’t run weekly shows with DQ finishes and chair shots and promos and storylines leading to big PPV events like WWE.