
Good work, as usual, Dom!

This is who every Yankee fan wanted Kevin Maas, Hensley Meulens, Andy Phillips, and Shelly Duncan to be. I’m glad he got the record, let’s see how things go in October.


That’s how we approach things. We are in the import/export business, and we are like 85% fair trade. I’ve read some of the social media posts of suppliers, and been a bit turned off by certain things, but at the end of the day, haven’t had any issues with workers.

This is a terrible penalty - it wasn’t malicious and Von didn’t even give him the old hip thrust. SMH

As a general practice to cover my ass from discrimination law suits. Workers have rights, and for my business, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Like, as a business owner, I cannot in good conscious fire someone who has different political beliefs than me. If they can do the work that we need, and there’s not ethical

I’m not saying what he’s doing is illegal, because if he did fire someone for doing this, there’s not doubt that employee would take him to court and the case law would take over from there. I’m not sure which state he’s operating in, but there are also a slew of federal statutes that protect workers, so those

Being a business owner, as I am, doesn’t mean you are god. There are labor laws to follow, and you can’t just fire people because you own the business. I mean, you can, but then you are just forking over money to the lawyers when you are sued.

But feel free to wave the Confederate flag...

+1 for calling Dana “Fester”... made my night

It’s interesting that he was allowed to “resign” and was not fired outright by WFAN, considering how many times Carton called for players to be cut over “character issues.”

I love my Knicks, but they have been spinning out of control since that damn loss to the Raptors in 2001, and this is more debris for the tornado.

The best thing that LaVar Ball can do for his kids is to teach them to be entrepreneurs, and not wait for Nike or Adidas to maybe give them chump change to wear their shoes after they help a wealthy university make money off of them for a year.

His heart was in the right place, but he definitely didn’t think this one out, and now he might lose everything and screw people over who need him... hmm... have we seen this before?

I’ve lived in Barcelona for three years, and the stories I’ve heard about this are INSANE... I’m 35 and still can party when I need to bring it out, but the levels of drunkenness, filth, gross sex, festering tomatoes, sweat, and lack of bathroom facilities make it a no go, but if you’re young have the right

Brother to brother, I think you are a talented writer, but in the scope of things in the world, I could care less if there aren’t more Black ‘Rasslin stars. We need more representation in other fields and places, and this is the bottom of the list.

I’m a die-hard Yankee fan and this is ridiculous. I love CC, but after that rehab stint during the playoffs, I think we were giving him the same looking he gave the BOOO Sox dugout.

Slam dunk Patrick! Great writing, and I think you captured the essence of Vegas, in all of it’s gaudy and artificial glory, much like the lead up to the fight. Ultimately, my question for you is, “was it worth it?” 

Sorry, but the best midnight snack is Jamon Iberico, a little semi-curado cheese, some Rioja out the barrel, and a nice little puff of Sour Lemon Diesel Indoor. Top it off with some Skittles to get the sugar fix, and we’re done.

I was street drinking and blazing at a festival with a few Brits here in Barcelona the night of the fight and this conversation came up - I asked them if they would pick CM against Canelo, GGG, or even Manny in boxing match right now. To a man, they said, “No,” yet they were betting heavy against Mayweather because