
Thanks. Looked up your Mackie and it is a nice unit. Beyond my needs at the moment, but maybe someday . . .

Newbie question. Whether you get a $150 2-input USB interface (which I have) or a more expensive multi-input USB or Firewire interface: since the signals travel from the interface to your computer via a single USB/Firewire input; don't all those inputs get combined into one track on your DAW software? Is there a way

Best part of the ad was those shots of the "bad" TV setups and cable clutter.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that this decision goes beyond the definition of "assume physical control" in the National Stolen Property Act. And that definition can be changed by Congress. The opinion does not apply to other state or federal theft or IP laws. Put aside your plans for consequence-free piracy.

There was Good Steve, Bad Steve, Hot Steve and Cold Steve. Stanley Tucci probably has the range to play this complex character. I've seen Ashton Kutcher in non-comedy roles and he's a okay actor, but not a great one.

Proposed bill violates the "Duh" doctrine; as in "Duh, that violates the First Amendment."

I've already discovered that I like touching and swiping a tablet more than I like mousing and clicking. Unfortunately, most of my work tasks (as opposed to play tasks) require a keyboard, and a real keyboard is far better (for me) than a virtual keyboard. However, touchscreens works best when you hold them in your

I guess they don't need daylight savings time down there.

Just flew in from Amsterdam. Boy are my arms tired! nyuk nyuk nyuk!

Got a blueray when my old DVD player died. It came with wifi. I happen to belong to Amazon Prime. I get to download and rewatch Firefly for free. Lots of other free movies and TV shows. The most minimalist thing for me is to not pay more $ for an Apple TV that would charge me for those free videos. (And I am an Apple

Consumers Reports tested the new iPad by running Infinity Blade II uninterrupted for about 45 minutes. The Consumer Reports article has this sentence: "Our tests follow numerous complaints now cropping up about how hot the new iPad can get while doing processor-intensive tasks, such as gaming or downloads." CR did not

The missed product placement opportunity of the 20th century.

Which is why I got my wife and daughter wifi only iPads. Using their home and office wifi networks, they don't have to worry about data caps. This will work for you, too.

"Others point out that the two spacecraft would pass each other at thousands of meters per second, making useful surveillance impossible." Ah, but think of the sheer joy of zooming past your space rival and going MEEP! MEEP! Priceless.

So, money IS the root of all evil. Or evil is the root of all money, I forget which.

Jesus and Adrian: which one of you wrote "And, on top of that, it's impossible to get the same icon spacing in landscape mode. " You just pointed that out in the previous paragraph.

Some one has to make the obligatory "light beer" remark. There.

Civilization on this world collapsed when the gentle, intelligent GJ1214bians could not get their smart phones replaced due to water damage.

What happens if they win? Does an Anon member have to go on camera and accept the award? "Accepting on behalf of Anonymous is Head Hacker Johnny Zitpopper . . ."

Not impressed. Took Robonaut forever to extend it's hand, which was way low. Astronaut had to reach down for it and then wait for Robo to close its hand. My kids robosapiens could do this.