
Not sure if you can shoot these things down even if they are flying low enough to be considered to be on your property. If I parked my car in your driveway without permission, am I tresspassing? Of course. Can you scream at me and demand I remove my car? You bet. Can you display a firearm while demanding I remove the

I've heard rumors that one of Curiosity's purposes is to prepare for a manned landing, where the lander must be big and airbags would not be survivable. I don't have the knowledge to say whether a sky crane up above is that much more complex than having the descent engines in a separate stage on the bottom, a la lunar

Thanks for the info. My mom was from New York, but it's been years since we've been there.

Possible that Comcast is just playing CYA? Since we're dealing with porn producters, we'll hand this stuff over if the court orders us to, thereby covering our posteriors.

Interesteing. In the map view of New York, Google has "6th Avenue," which I am told is what New Yorkers call it, while Apple has the official name "Avenue of the Americas." Just east of that avenue, what Google Maps calls W Houston St, Apple is labeling E Houston St. Which, if either, is correct?

Wouldn't it have been easier for you not to have posted at all?

Maybe responding with a text is supposed to be slightly more polite than not answering at all, but I disagree, IMHO.

Oh, that. That's my man part that's too massive to fit down the front of my pants. Yes, it does deserve a cool case, thank you.

They'll take my Mac Pro from me when they pry it from my cold, dead . . . er, when they offer an updated Mac Pro for me to buy. :-)

Exactly. Venus orbits the sun, it's constantly "transiting" the sun, just as does our world. Still interestng and of scientific value.

Is there a method to control what Siri puts in the Calendar's Title and Location fields? For example, I'd like "Data Center" in the title field and "Room 12-126" in the location field. What I get is "Meeting about data center in room 12-126" in the Title field, nothing in the location field. Yes that is the relevant

How does one even get funding for "hey, let's study the generosity of individuals with differing face shapes"?

The Axis was the unholy alliance of Nazi Germany, Mussolini's Italy and Imperial Japan that we defeated in World War II, at great cost to ourselves and our allies. Bad name for a product.

Fortunately for my wife, she married a man who is handsome and dependable. :)

Always wondered what those 72 virgins are. Human souls that never lived on Earth? Were they created as full adults, or did they grow up while waiting for you to die so they could service you? Are they your slaves for all eternity? Are they angels, or automotons? What kind of paradise is that for them? I know I'm going

Agree. The aircraft cabin should be the one place that we don't have to hear morons yapping on their cell phones. And yes, it is worse than listening to two passengers talk to each other. There's something about a cell phone that makes the user think normal rules of civility don't apply, they lose complete awareness

Math defeats the anti-missile missile defense, at least against a capable opponent like China and the old Soviet Union. It costs more than 10 times as much to create an anti-missile (assuming we ever get them to work reliably) than it does for your opponent to create one more offensive missile with proven reliability.

Just shows how cagey Steve Jobs was. He paid Xerox nothing. He "allowed" Xerox to invest $1 million in Apple in return for Xerox "opening the kimono" at PARC. However, one year later, that stock was worth $10 million. Probably be worth $billions today if Xerox held on to it, so Xerox was not ripped off; especially

I've read many times on Comcast forums that this is true about all of Comcast's returned equipment. I recently fired Comcast. My paper receipt is in a safe place and I've scanned both sides (their's some very faint gray fine print on the back) and stored the image in the Cloud.

I don't know if the law requires a no haints clause, or if it's something a wise landlord puts in the lease to prevent idiots like this couple from using it as an excuse to break the lease.