
Yeah, this will happen real soon, just like the paperless office.

If not fake, it was clearly staged in advance. Prepared speech; chair, laptop and camera already set up in a field away from neighbors' homes (the one considerate thing he did before shooting); gun belt strapped on.

Sure it still works. You don't know if the cat's dead or alive until you open the box, or x-ray it. X-raying is just another way of looking inside the box. Sorry, I'm taking this too seriously.

I agree with you that alternative contact managers need access to Address Book, and that people will complain no matter what. And alternative calendars (I'm using one) need access to the iOs Calendar in addition to Address Book, which may be a whole other privacy issue. However, these alternative address books and

He'll be my hero if he gets Facebook banned world wide.

Read on how this was already hacked. From what I could tell from the article, hackers wait until you are properly logged in to your bank, so it doesn't matter what security procedures you go through to get logged in. Once logged in, malware lying in wait on your computer then inserts itself between you and

But you asked for a cheeseburger and got chicken.

I always though a form of artificial mental telepathy was possible by connecting 2-way radios to our brains. Of course, we will soon tire of voice calls only and will want to be able to download apps and play games. Hackers will have a lot of fun.

I didn't care for Agenda, glad it was only 99 cents. It's prettier than the built in Calendar app. However, it's badge does not display the day and date the way Calendar does (maybe Apple won't let them). Agenda lacks a "Today" button so it takes at least two presses to get back to today. In month view, if you press

Slightly more balanced coverage from the BBC, which reminds us this also happens in the UK when someone posts a dumb remark:

Okay, now I know that "destroy" is UK slang for "party." The problem with tweets is you cannot tell if the author meant "party" or "destroy." Still, questioning them at the airport should have sufficed. The rest was overkill.

Wife and I have iPhones. Hers has a white case and mine has a black case. So we can tell them apart!

These kinds of youthful cartoon action heroes appeal to kids. Not teenagers, but little kids watching the Cartoon Network.

I like my Glock 17, too. It's the one I keep loaded in the house for the "uninvited." I'm also happy I haven't had to use it yet, 'cept for target practice. I live in Texas where it is not impossible to own a hand gun.

More interesting model of the solar system is at the Arecibo radiotelescope observatory in Puerto Rico. As you walk from the parking lot and up the outside steps, you pass a model of the sun, a little bigger than a grapefruit. Some steps later you pass a scale model of Mercury (a very tiny object). Many more steps

And yet we, self included, continue to buy their stuff.

Comments overheard at school:

Not sure how useful iBooks Author is for K-12 teachers. Those textbooks, at least for the public schools, are prescribed by a separate State Board of Education in each of our 50 states, and the books are usually approved only after an arduous political process.

If the knobs are all the same color, buy a bottle of nail polish and paint the critical knob red.