
Two Vikings, one Pathfinder, two Rovers, one Phoenix, not to mention the orbiters. Oh, gee, we lost a couple?

Does anyone know if the USB portion of the iPad2's charging cable (without the AC adaptor) would also work for this and other USB applications? Thanks.

Counterintel: Apple registers 250 employees and lets that be discovered, while cutting costs by actually sending only a few employees. Result: everyone's talking about Apple at a show where they are not even officially there. Guinness brilliant!

Just the phrase "one dozen inflatable aliens" is the attention-grabber of the day.

Looking at 3D doggie: one more reason to remove the red-eye from your photos.

Don't worry. It only works while the car is in reverse.

Hope they eliminate the false positives, shutting down your device right in the middle of some critical work.

Maybe it was roaches that got into Comcast's servers last Wednesday. Comcast guy showed up on time, replaced the dead box with a new one, and while trying to authorize it, got an email that Comcast's servers went down. Finally got service 5 hours later. The temporary inconvenience was better than a lasting memory of

Spectacular. Also, looks like they tidied up the ISS for the holidays. The usual jumble of stuff clinging to every inside surface is largely missing. Did they shove it all outside to be retrieved later? :)

Egad! I must immediately tweet about a study claiming we are unhappy. Which will validate the study.

Reminds me of my solution for extremely obese people who claim discrimnation when they are required to buy a second airline seat rather than be allowed to steal space from another paying passenger: Fine, you only have to buy one ticket, but three of you have to sit together.

Love that cheerful intro music, before your home and holiday dreams go up in flames.

It will not be put to the people as in a referendum. It will be passed as a law (if it does pass) by the politicians elected to the U.S. Congress, according to what wealthy lobbyists or other interest groups tell them to do. I doubt that the majority of the voters in the U.S. are even aware of this bill.

Terrible posture.

Blah, blah, blah, blame the people. Banks shouldn't be overextending themselves in the first place. Silly, incompetent banks, live within your means, not your greed.

Good point. Drat! I for one wouldn't want to see those photos. And I could see the navy or whoever ordering that no photos or videos be made.

Govt can certainly refuse to disclose them if they're secret. Don't know the answer about lying about their non-existence if they do exist, or so declaring under penalty of perjury in a written court document. Wouldn't surprise me.

Some photos exist. They were shown to select Congressmen who publicly stated that they viewed them, that the photos were gruesome, and I think most of them agreed they should not be made public. The key is asking the organization who actually has them. Apparantely, that would not be the Defense Department.

"The more they over-tech the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain." - Scotty

I've found the movie theater experience is not that great. Perhaps good multi-channel sound and yes a bigger screen, but in many theaters the screens are not ginormous like they were before multiplexes were invented. Further, the projection bulbs are lower wattage than they should be, resulting in a faded image on