
First impression: it's part of the coronal mass ejection. It does not end abruptly; the video is cut off and repeats itself. Mercury's image also jumps around, looks like it's on fire, and looks nothing like a spherical planet. What seem to be stars also appear to jump around once the CME passes between them and the

"Is this due to my (very slight!) southern accent?"

Oddly enough, we Texans know we have an accent, and we speak about people having California accents or northern accents. It's okay. No matter how you talk, it don't bother us no never mind.

I see there are blonde, brunette and red headed wasps. Which are the good looking ones?

Tend to agree. From the photos, this looks to me like one-half of a toy gun, but if others think it looks real, it's possible it could be used for some mischief.

Norway? Why is the ad copy in English? Don't recall selecting English on the set up menu.

Thomas Edison said genius is one percent inspiration and 99% perspiration.

You had me at elvish princess.

Towards the end of his second term, Texans began to figure out "W" was perhaps the worst president ever. We even began to deny he was Texan. He was born, raised and educated in New England.

It was a federal judge in Texas, not a Texas state court judge. Judge Hughes was appointed in 1985, by the first President Bush. I'm moderate/left, but I notice that righties will also get outraged by a blatant disregard of our freedoms. And we're not all Gee Dubs, y'all.

"The MPAA's O'Leary countered later that, on a Google search, the in-theater-only movie J-Edgar has "a better chance that the Pirate Bay is going to end up ahead of Netflix" on a Google search."

+1 for the fast police response. Too bad we couldn't see them actually nab the crooks.

Took the grandkids to see Puss In Boots. Don't know if it was a digital projector or not, but I saw that the theater, like so many, cuts costs by using a really dim projector bulb. I'm guessing that won't change when the conversion to digital projectors is complete. With my home surround sound and a much brighter

Crocodiles just are not at their social best when they're hungry.

Thanks for the clarification. I'm sure it's all just perception, but whenever I see a video of a director on a movie set, he's removed from his actors and is staring into a monitor. But maybe the actual directions he gives is sort of like a trade secret and not for publication.

"Is being a traitor so bad when your treachery is so hugely half-assed?"

Feeling curmudgeony today. I don't like it when a film director is not next to the camera and actually giving direction to his actors and crew. Instead, today's director (not just in this film, but in others as well) is way off somewhere else looking at a video screen. I don't know why I don't like this, I just don't.

Or, was it . . . . . . . the case pathologist, Thomas Bond! He'd have been in a perfect position to throw suspicion off himself. Yeah! That must be it!

May or may not be a real world problem, but darn creative, topical and funny!

I raise my hand because I worked in two newsrooms. I was a reporter and then news director for MIT's public radio station, and worked summers in a commercial radio station. I'm now a lawyer and have to deal with legal deadlines. Try explaining to a judge that you missed a deadline required by law. Try explaining that