
The original mnemonic is no longer politically correct, I guess, but your mnemonic is weak. At least get rid of the unnecessary "the" and change it to "Big Boys Race Our Young Girls But Violet Generally Wins."

OK, it's an old concept. Is anyone other than journalists claiming it's a new "invention"? Is Ms. Cummins claiming she "invented" this? Or is it a marketable adaptation, and is that what she is receiving an award for? (I honestly don't know, which is why I'm asking). Henry Ford didn't invent the automobile or mass

@syrdax: Seems like the Prez still has the female vote, judging from the expressions on those two chick's faces.

Lion? They've run out of cats and this will the last OSX, unless they go to Sabre Tooth or RoboKitty.

@Daniel Rappaport: I'm confused. Is iDVD included with iLife 11? I'm one of the few people, I guess, that still uses iDVD.

Jobs is keeping ahead of the market. He introduces the iPod. While competitors try to develop competing mp3 players, Jobs comes out with the iPhone. Competitors rush to bring out smartphones that can compete with the iPhone, so Jobs introduces the iPad. Now, while competitors scramble to get their tablets to market ,

We'll see. I've heard about other formulas developed using past data that somehow didn't work so well in predicting future market behavior.

It's a Sterling engine, except for hydrogen instead of water.

Reminds me I need to wax my car.

"require that a certain number of Spanish words per day be included in e-mails" Great idea. The kids will just put the naughty words in Spanish.

"The death knell of cinema." Pompous twit. I thought the death knell of cinema was sound, or color, or TV, or the Star Wars prequels.

It's a single seater? Pooh. I couldn't even take my date for a ride, pick a quiet spot to hover and make out.

Try setting an appointment in the iPhone calendar for 2:00 a.m. November 7, 2010 (when USA goes off DST). It would not let me do that, the selector would jump to 1:00 am or 3:00 a.m. But when I said the heck with it and saved it, it now displays as 2:00 a.m. in the List, Day and Month views, with Day view showing it

@topsully: I thought so too. The WSJ article did not explain how the language was reality shifting or unlike all other languages, which would have been interesting.

Planet. Rings. Sun shadow. Sometimes God is elegantly simple.

He looks weird cause he's trying to force a smile while being touched by an AT&T man.

@Pope John Peeps II: Agreed. The 5th Amendment is in the US Constitution and overrides other laws. Too bad the Brits don't have a written constitution and their rights are dependent upon the whims of Parliament. See the false convictions obtained against Irish "terrorists" when Parliament decided it was okay to draw a

@otus: Hold it, Tiger. Momma don't want no premature release!

So what's the proper pronunciation of this show in the workplace, because we all know in the workplace you can't say shit.