
Cynically, I thought the term "high fructose corn syrup" was invented to disguise the amount of sugar in numerous junk foods. I guess that backfired, so industry wants to go back to calling it sugar again.

Journalists usually get everything wrong on their own. No need to hire actors to dupe them.

I remember a National Geographic article from the Sixties or Seventies explaining how the Red Sea occasionally gets real shallow, exposing islands and other dry ground that the Jews could have crossed to escape from Egypt.

It is being pulled by a tractor beam at the beam's extreme range, hence the slow rate of change, which will increase as it gets closer to the beam's source. Eventually it will be hauled in by a long-lived and very patient alien race.

@Piedmont_Bob: Pretty soon we will have to leave our hands behind, because they could be used as a weapon.

The only funny bit on the Good Family sitcom, IMHO, was with the adopted son who was born a white South African, now living in the USA. When he went to get is drivers license, he confused the DMV lady by insisting he was African-American. But I'd rather adopt Charlize.

I've actually seen a pole hanging from the wires like that, here in the USA - rural Texas, actually. Don't recall if it was power or telephone lines. Didn't look like a fire, but I didn't stop to analyze the cause. Now I see that I should have.

But, but, I'm a cucumber! Aaaah!

@mopo: I agree about the slow pokes in the left lane. It only takes one to shut down a highway. I was trying to keep my kid alive by teaching her not to commit DWS (driving while stupid), which includes driving slow in the left lane and forcing everyone to take chances passing on the right.

When my daughter was learing to drive, I would point out a speeder who was constantly changing lanes, accelerating then slamming on brakes and tail-gating in an attempt to pass every other car on the road. By the time that car exited the roadway, it was usually less than 10 seconds ahead of us, because they would

A 4 minute video of which the first 2 minutes consists of egos talking about how important they are and how great their video is. Shut up, get out of the way and let us watch the video. The little bit of actual content was interesting. The talking heads were not.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Now write the rest of the Dickens novel for me.

So I should gift my Hispanic male friends something Columbian, even if they are Dominican or Peruvian.

You just need to follow these two easy steps:

You'd be amazed at the quantity of illegal aliens and illegal drugs that can be stored on a modern laptop's hard drive.

Squirrel decides it's fun and/or squirrel runs the battery down. Squirrel wins.

The man needs more sanity and less money.

If she didn't know what she was getting into before, she does now.

The balls keep escaping from my mouse. I can't get any balls. I have no balls! *sob!*

@Eryq: Thanks for your erudtion. I thought it was just dust that got snagged. :-)