Sounds like Vader’s referring to back when he was Anakin Skywalker - there’s a number of references to Thrawn having worked with Anakin in the first (canon) Thrawn novel, but no specifics.
Sounds like Vader’s referring to back when he was Anakin Skywalker - there’s a number of references to Thrawn having worked with Anakin in the first (canon) Thrawn novel, but no specifics.
This is awesome.
This is really cool but it’s sad knowing Kylo Ren probably kills him.
That’s not really what happens here, though. Phasma wants to take him prisoner, but unfortunately for her Finn wants to, like, not be taken prisoner so it takes longer than either would like.
Seriously, how did they resist making it the Palm d’Og?
I’d love a series of animated shorts like this based on The Legends of Luke Skywalker.
looking suspiciously like it does under Han’s ownership rather than Lando’s... but hey, that’s the peril of trying to make prequels made years after the fact canonically align
Logan was great, but this post reminds me of when I found out folks here thought Hook was bad.
I first heard of him when the trailer for Battle: Los Angeles was released. This song is better than the film wound up being.
I mean I’m sure Frank Caliendo could do the voice better but this can’t just be about impersonation.
Why, Spaghetti Westerns of course!
“It’s a need to know plan, and she doesn’t.” - Poe Dameron’s own justification for not telling Holdo his plan, which for some reason no one calls stupid or selfish or catty.
How is it a plot hole? Han says this sort of thing is possible and catastrophic in ANH.
Is it not a possibility that they’re metahumans from the mainstream DC universe, who’ve been brought into the Watchmen universe and are now home?
Also: do Ozymandias or Rorschach ever react to the fact that Superman is real in this universe, where in their own he was just a comic book character who inspired the…
Yeah having read the description of this scene a few months ago I thought it was confusing and I was hoping that seeing the scene would fix that.
Well, it seems they’ve made it so that the rebels made some of them stop eating stormtroopers.
But Snagglepuss really surprised me by being not only interesting, but clever and well-written.
Are they going to burn Kindles and iPads, or...? Do those burn at 451 degrees?