
Goddammit, Rob, I thought I was going to be able to avoid reading the graphic novel.

...did you just solve the mystery?

...nor did we ever discover the true meanings of Carcosa and the Yellow King.

I wonder if this is why there's such a backlash against anti-heroes' wives.

I think you're giving them more credit than they probably deserve - in my experience people who say stuff like this are actually trying to be complimentary.

So here's what I don't like about the chip thing.

Figured it was just a joke about it being "epic."

Do you medievalpoc? Because I think you might want to.

My guess is it would significantly delay the game's release.

The Order 66 arc opens the sixth season, and it is easily the season's standout storyline. Order 66 has been one of the key problems in connecting Clone Wars to Revenge of the Sith—Why would the clones who respect and befriend the Jedi ultimately betray them?—but the promos for Season Six quickly resolved that as we

I've heard this argument, but I'm not sure fighting to the last man and getting slaughtered is quite the right message for the War on Terror.

Insane, sort of confusing premise that encourages multiple viewings, academic discussion, and fan theorizing while also at its heart being about a world where being a computer nerd makes you the best.

Hollywood really needs to stop giving characters historically preposterous speeches about "freedom" to pander to American audiences.

Do cigarettes next.

I have no idea how tigers reckon their ethnicity.

So he should eat it, maybe.

But there is only one price—around US$20.

But I do agree, Obi-Wan and Yoda are waaay better than the rest.