That's Shaak Ti.
That's Shaak Ti.
Yes this. Thisthisthisthisthisthisthis.
Here's the thing - they discourage attachment, which isn't necessarily the same thing as banning emotions. What's more, it makes less and less sense to watch Jedi after Jedi fall to the dark side because of one emotion or another and to keep blaming the Jedi for their desire to teach their students to keep them in…
I always have problems with people blaming Anakin's fall on people other than Anakin.
How are falafel and balut on the same list?
Is there a suggestion that the movie's not going to feature all the original songs?
Maybe that's the point? Like maybe the person writing this is playing the part of a Bible-thumping misogynist but then citing scripture that undercuts that stance?
I always headcanon-ed that the more they breed the more the weird genetic fuckery Dr. Wu did to them gets removed from their systems - in Jurassic Park 3 they have little quills that suggest feathers.
Everyone's seen that episode of Archer, right?
Well Ra'as is part of an ancient society apparently devoted specifically to destroying cities like Gotham - what's intriguing to me there is that Gotham is considered more far gone than, say, Chicago, New York, or DC. Crane is an abuser and a psycho but he probably would have just kept on ruining people in the privacy…
The futile hell of the story is that Rust mainlines this secret truth of the universe, but still cannot break his programming. As a homicide detective, he cannot rationalize drugging people into suicide, even if doing so conforms exactly to his philosophy of existence. He is trapped, doomed to play out the…
She screamed when she remembered the scarred man's face. If Rust had seen the girl before saving her, he'd have been smarter than to go see her again, right?
So...a two hour film is going to have to embellish and explore a little.
It's an adaptation of the story - it's just silly that people are confused/surprised/disappointed that a two hour film isn't merely the story from Genesis.
The story of Noah is barely three pages long.
The Patronus Charm is explicitly linked to strength of character, though, and starting Dumbledore's Army is also more about him being a leader than any spectacular skill in the magical arts. Harry's not a bad wizard, he's just mostly a really good guy - and the books position that (correctly) as being more important…