NO! I'm so mad this got blocked. Does anyone have a mirror? I read about this idea ages ago and I was kind of into it...
NO! I'm so mad this got blocked. Does anyone have a mirror? I read about this idea ages ago and I was kind of into it...
What's more, it almost sounds like it's possible Magneto was trying to save JFK.
Why would they cast Wedge as a man in his forties when they're casting all the people he fought beside as their sextagenarian selves?
Butlerian Jihad, please.
I mean, they don't, as long as they shift it onto the characters.
I think Katniss is a great POV character. I'm also a tremendous fan of the way the book is about sci-fi dystopia, but also really mostly about celebrity - it's a science fiction novel about the power of fashion and media and PR and the manipulation of a public narrative, as a power for good as well as evil, and I…
This...article is about the largest theropods, and this comment thread is about why T. rex is still the yardstick for it.
Don't forget Señor G. carolinii, who if I'm not mistaken was confirmed to be bigger than T. rex even before Spinosaurus was.
With the possible exception of The Last Airbender, pretty much every M. Night Shyamalan movie has been wonderfully directed. Everyone just seems to forget that he wrote the scripts, too.
Might be difficult to make that movie, now...
"They're using tools!" the human yelled.
The Enemy's people bore the brunt.
The thing is that sounds pretty fucking decent.
First, make some cornbread and forget about it for, like, a solid week. At this point, it should be nice and stale, and you should be kicking yourself for forgetting about it. I mean, it was right on the counter, damn it.
I love this.
I mean that's one way to go about it, but it doesn't seem better or worse to me than having a movie where they're at odds at first and then become allies. is being called Batman vs. Superman.