
I have to believe his reaction is at least in part due to his knowledge of the Prime timeline. I say "have to" because that's how I justified it. He hulks out because it's probably heartbreaking to know you were supposed to be the one in there dying.

It's not gratuitous because she's in her underwear, guys. It's gratuitous because why is she changing right next to Kirk anyway if Karl Urban isn't and why doesn't she have something more substantial on under her costume if she's changing into an environmental suit and she probably would be in the suit before getting

Valorians are just humans. The Rulons are a hyper-advanced alien race bolstered by a slave race they've created out of Earth creatures over the course of millions of years, including dinosaurs. When the Rulons return to Earth in the future, hoping to do another harvest, they find resistence from the human race. Blah

They should probably just leave the casting to us.

Too bad he's too young for Kyle Katarn.

Jag Fel is the son of a distinguished family of Imperial nobles and fighter pilots. He's friendly to the New Republic, marries Jaina Solo, and eventually becomes the leader of a New Empire that works together with the good guys.

I want Karl Urban as Jacen Solo.

I don't, but I asked nicely.

Jag Fel, please.

Article needs more pictures.

One gets the impression that we're punching them because regular weapons don't work.

The cream is pants.

Granted, as you stated before, the reason this is a better idea than just having one pilot isn't yet explained. A Jaeger seems like it must be totally full of support staff.


Yep - I totally understand this now.

Okay, now it makes sense.

Then why are they both performing the same movements?

I'd love that, but in that case I'd love to see the pilots doing different things, mind melded but performing different functions. If both pilots in an Apache were pressing the same button for the same function at the same time, it would make more sense to just have one button.

Redundancy makes sense, but both pilots seem active and engaged in the battle. The brain link thing appears to exist because the pilots apparently have to execute the same movements at the same time. (They are moving together as choreographed in every shot we have of working pilots.) Since this is the case, one

This movie looks awesome.