Barbershop Bass

If she gets killed in this show, I may finally watch an episode of it. It's the same reason I watched the House of Wax remake.

It's coming out at the same time as Winds of Winter: April 23rd, 20-never.

I meant more, how did they not all learn that in high school chemistry? It's one of those basic facts I assumed anyone on Jeopardy would know.

How did no one know that a monomer is the single unit of a polymer? One of the most egregious Triple Stumpers I've seen in a long time.

I yelled out Sunnydale High. I was close.

My friend also mentioned Stomp, pretty crazy.

I never read it, so the only reason I got DD1 correct is because of Office Space.

I also wish that the regeneration itself could stay a surprise. Again, I understand and grudgingly accept why it can't, but I wish I could be surprised that HOLY SHIT THE DOCTOR IS SOMEONE ELSE AND I DIDN'T EXPECT THIS.

If he wasn't so busy with Spider Man, this wouldn't be the worst choice ever.

I dislike that they announce these things, but I understand it. I wish they could manage to surprise us, but that will never happen. I'll watch this one, like I watched the last one, because there's no way I'd be able to avoid spoilers before the regeneration.

Yeah, over/under definitely wouldn't have worked.

I really hope this show ends up being good, despite the terrible costuming we've seen so far. If a sub-par show is the reason I don't get to see S.H.I.E.L.D. until January, I'll be just a little peeved.

"Cultural appropriation" is almost always a bullshit call-out. It's so stupid.

That's what I figured. If I end up enjoying it, I'd probably want to listen to all eventually anyway. Thanks for the suggestion!

But really, the stereotype is that they're ALL weirdos, which is why they group together. Which makes some sense.

I found out about it accidentally while watching Tabletop. Actually, I found out accidentally twice. The first time, I thought, "Who is she? I recognize everyone but her." Looked her up. "Oh. Okay." The second time, I thought, "Who is she? She looks familiar," having forgotten I'd seen her on Tabletop once prior.

That sounds enjoyable. Would you suggest I start at Episode 1? It seems like I probably should, but since there are many episodes, I was curious if there was a decent jumping-in point midway through the series, or no?

Off the top of my head, they're mostly all anecdotal, but I'm sure it wouldn't be hard. I do remember many people celebrating Roger Ailes's death right here on this site, including many wondering why no one had just offed him themselves long ago. He was a vile man, but I'm of the opinion that that kind of talk is

The only people offended by those stereotypes are white. Mexicans love it. It happens all the damn time.

Too bad they haven't even really started development on it yet.