Barbershop Bass

Rockstar said ahead of time they wouldn't have a presence at E3, so we shouldn't be surprised there wasn't anything.

I never said the right wasn't in the wrong (heh, kind of a funny sentence). Your examples are basically all Trump, but much of the right dehumanizes their opponents. But you can't pretend the left doesn't dehumanize the right as well. It's a common technique in politics, one that appears to be getting worse on all

Do you have an actual argument, or just "no"?

Do you have an actual argument, or just personal attacks?

Do you have an actual reason, or just "no"?

This is exactly right. Artists make personal art. If his isn't your thing, don't blame him for not making what you want, just go find the stuff you want to see.

It's everyone's fault. Both sides. The middle, too. All of us, as a whole, have created the kind of discourse to allow things like this to happen.

Mario x Rabbids looks bonkers fun, that's Ubisoft.

Classic "let's get mad at something, even though we don't have all the information, and once we have all the information, let's ignore it because it goes against our preconceived notions!"

I have no idea what video it was, because I saw it at a restaurant. And I know they were already big when this video was recorded. But I saw a video of some random, talented blues group in a dive bar, just performing and doing great, when suddenly the Rolling Stones walk in and join them and blow the roof off the

My number one choice would be Zeppelin, but there are so many other acts that I could just as easily choose. Queen, Sinatra, Miles Davis, Pink Floyd, and Ella Fitzgerald all come to mind immediately for me.

They had Peyton-Liv spanking for some of us, and shirtless Major and shirtless Justin for the rest. Pandering of the highest order, no complaints here.

I think it's simply that FG wants a zombie mayor, and didn't want any blackmail possibilities out there (him on video with that dominatrix). Pretty sure they're also behind the shooter that made Baracus look like such a hero, all in an attempt to improve his polling numbers and actually get him elected. Once he is,

If I was running this show, I don't think I would have had the patience to wait this long for such an obvious musical choice. Good for them.

I also think Season 4 as a whole gets too much flak. It's the weakest season, no doubt, and has some issues, Cordy/Connor being chief among them, but every time I watch it, I'm still enthralled by the Beast, by Angelus, and by all the other Shakespearean elements going on throughout the season.

Everyone harps on that season, and for good reason, but I feel like they forget how brilliant the last few episodes were, once Jasmine emerges.

Was Piper the same actress as Kate Monster from Avenue Q?

Okay, I love Maid-Rite, but I can understand how someone could not like them.

Taco Johns is terrible.

I will disagree with your placement of Maid-Rites, but I will agree with everything else. Iowa Chops are the absolute best. I was born in Iowa but spent most of my childhood in St. Louis, and any time someone tries to convince me that pork steaks are worth eating, I just smile politely while thinking, "No, pork steaks