Barbershop Bass

Equal pay for equal work with equal experience. They are so much more established than you are, Amy, that's why they get paid more than you.

Yep. Based on that, Whedon also supports murder, rape, theft, smuggling, and lying!

It's almost as if nobody is perfect and everyone makes mistakes (some big, some small), and we shouldn't judge one aspect of their life based on another, unrelated aspect of their life!

Hell, they played that same moment multiple times with Buffy, to varying degrees. First, there was Angel. He lost his soul and became evil, representing the douchey guys who use a girl and leave right away.
Next, there was Parker (in college). She woke up and he wasn't in the room, but he came back a little bit later,

Facts get in the way of feelings, we can't have that.

"Such a lovely place" are literally some of the lyrics of the song…

I mean, if their food didn't suck so thoroughly, people might be more receptive to the potential of eating there.

Did you watch the show? Her depression is still a very real presence in her life. His PTSD is still a presence in his life, too, but there haven't been as many episodes to show it.

The more I hear about the show, the more it sounds like it won't be worth them paying me $5 a month to watch it.

"Hey Bran, been a long time, how you been?"
"Good. You looked really pretty that night you were raped."

It was a terrible person killing a terrible person in a terrible way.

The only reason I knew that was from playing Rollercoaster Tycoon, so unless there were some Virginians up there, I'd give them a pass.

Really easy if you know much about Broadway. None of the contestants apparently know much about Broadway.

I usually guess Liechtenstein, which I did again this time. My strategy failed.

I don't want him to vote to take away healthcare, but if he does, I'm still not going to wish him painful, fatal cancer. You don't fight against inhumanity with more inhumanity.

How the fuck can anyone think this is an okay thing to say?

They're liberals in the same way that the evil conservatives are still conservatives. They call themselves liberals, and you can't disown that, especially since liberals don't allow conservatives to disown the terrible people who call themselves conservatives.

They're a minority of liberals, just as the conservatives you mentioned are a minority of conservatives, but they still exist. I've been told multiple times, by self-proclaimed liberals, that I don't deserve to live simply because I was born a straight, white, man.

Saying that no white people should be allowed to live.

Get off your high horse, I've seen plenty of liberals getting excited at this diagnosis. The worst libs and the worst cons are equally deplorable.