Barbershop Bass

Not a high bar to clear, but still true. Lion's Choice is solid, but unspectacular. Better than most fast food, for sure.

I had no idea that Ghost jokes could still be funny, but dammit UKS, you proved me wrong!

If they were doing it with 500 Miles (I'm Gonna Be), I'd be first in line.

It's kind of impressive that the internet managed to both create a very funny meme and run it into the ground, all while I was asleep.

Again, you seem to have a specific event in mind. I have no idea what tranny jokes you're talking about. I have no idea what "whiney old white men" you're talking about. I do know that I've seen legitimate conversations censored because people overreact and refuse to even hear the arguments of the "other side". I do

Why is it that no one wants to actually have a conversation anymore? I've seen plenty of arguments on both sides that has led me to my opinion. You saw my opinion, you know what it is. Give me yours and give me reasons. Otherwise, I'm going to assume that you have no actual argument, because you refuse to put one

I don't know if it's my absolute earliest memory, but it's close: When the OT was re-released in theaters in preparation for the prequels, my dad and I went to see them all, back-to-back-to-back in the theater. It was amazing. I was too young to care about the shitty extra CGI in the movie, so all I had to do was sit

"Google it" is not a good argument. I've seen what I've seen, both online and in person, and what I've seen has led me to that opinion. If you think that opinion is wrong, then give some actual reasons.

You seem to have something specific in mind, while I was talking generalities. You also seem to have a very accusatory tone for some reason.

Yeah, but data is no match for feels.

Safety from what? Most 'safe spaces' I've seen are just ways to block yourself off from opposing views, which is the opposite of what college is supposed to be about.

I was actually surprised how much I liked Nicole Ritchie. She's not perfect, but I also don't think Jane Krakowski would do a good job, either, because her character is so up-to-date with the young people. If you want to compare her to 30 Rock, her character feels like a mix between Jenna and Cerie.

First time this season, but Rachel Keller was in Legion and Season 2 of Fargo.

Yep, it mentions that in the review

But the two of them made up at the end.

Agreed, The season before was more "everyone is equally bad", and at that time, everyone kind of was equally bad. It was only with the rise of Trump that one side clearly rose above as the clear-cut worst.

If we're talking about acting credits, how did you not mention Trump's role in The Little Rascals? He may be an awful president and human being, but that (tiny) part was made for him.

Speaking of Clapton's Unplugged, his version of Layla on there was amazing. It's basically a completely different song, but just as good.

Here's the difference: Broad City is actually good.

Abbi Jacobson has reminded me of Garth since I watched the first episode of Broad City, so this makes complete sense to me.