Barbershop Bass

Beginning filming next year.

Well, they'll find out when they do Captain Marvel.

Making Cap Hydra is worth getting offended over. Wearing a Hydra logo is nothing.

The faceless lackeys are literally called Stormtroopers, clearly the OT also showed that the Empire is space Nazis.

It's really not, though.

Redpillers are not men's rights advocates. And "true" MRAs (like "true" feminists) are not bad people, but have very good points, but, like with feminism (and just about any other group of anything ever), the douchey minority is so loud that it drowns out the reasonable majority.

My girlfriend and I started chanting it together at the exact same time. So loud that, until reading this, I didn't even know he had muttered that!

Stupid Clemson. I was between that and Vanderbilt, and I chose the wrong one.

OTOH, it always makes me feel good to get FJ right when all three contestants miss it.

Also, the 'K' sound is just funnier. That's why it's called "murder" and not "muckduck".

I actually managed to get 3/5 correct, despite not caring about the NBA. I guess I watch enough other sports shows to have absorbed knowledge of those players by accident.

Ah, Rush Hour. Proof that even a shit-tier director can accidentally make something enjoyable.

I can agree she's underappreciated, but she's still not my favorite character on the show. Giles is #1, followed closely by Willow.

Missed opportunity for what, exactly?

I had a problem with the wording of the clue for the Rolling Stones song.

Rewatching this episode with LeBron back in Cleveland (and a ring there to boot) is interesting.

Rewatching this episode with LeBron back in Cleveland (and a ring there to boot) is interesting.

Okay, but since it's so archaic, why's it a problem? Almost no one would know that it used to be a slur, we pretty much all know it as a card suit, which is what the clue was going for in the first place.

Spade is a racial slur? I've never, ever heard that.

I just tend to be a sucker for vignette episodes of sitcoms. This one was pretty good, but my favorite is still the "Three Valentines" episode of Frasier, particularly Niles's story.