Barbershop Bass

No talk about Joan Cusack in Shameless? Not only was she incredible in that show, but it was even set in Chicago.

I never got the complaints about the Water Temple. I actually found it to be the easiest temple in OoT.
The Shadow Temple, on the other hand, can fuck right off.

Do you have more of an argument than just "No"?

Yes, it's better now.

"A pity, since her status as a female Thor was a highlight of recent Marvel comics."

Agreed, but Cece has to show up on the spinoff occasionally for some classic Winston/Cece mess-arounds

So…did Syd rape her mom, her mom's boyfriend, or both?
I think she raped them both.

I wish I could watch it for the first time again.

Giles' was definitely the shortest, I think because he figured out what was going on quicker (being the Brain of the operation and all), so the First Slayer had to take him out sooner.

It's mentioned a few times that most people in Sunnydale kind of know what's going on, but choose to ignore/forget it. I'm sure that was the case with all the students, until they finally decided, for a day, to acknowledge all the weird shit and thank Buffy for stopping it all.

I like that the MotW in that episode was easy. The episode was not about the monster, it was about the prom. Angel taking her, Jonathan giving her the umbrella (RIP umbrella), everyone having a fun time at their dance. It was a nice bit of fun before the two-part Graduation Day mayhem, and I love it for that.

I"m just a man.
A sales…man.

I began my very first D&D campaign last weekend. Our DM is a vet, and one person of the 5-player party had played before, so there were a lot of newbies. We made some dumb mistakes, but RNGesus was on our side.

Check on it anyway, I thought I saw the sale ended in March, so maybe it's still going through the weekend.

Yeah, I loved my Wii U and definitely don't regret getting it. I'm sad it didn't get widespread adoption, but I put many, many hours onto that console. MK8, Splatoon, Smash Bros, various Mario games, and plenty of others have given me so much fun and joy. I got a Switch this morning and look forward to the same amount

"But…but…white man!"

Seriously. Sexual harassment is bad, obviously, but the other dude's alleged crime was rape. Obviously far worse. These two situations are not the same.

I don't really care where they do it, I just want more Muppets in my life.

I didn't realize people still thought CAH was racist/sexist/whatever-ist. People like that got one of the best cards in the game removed. It's dissapointing.

Holy shit Shrek is 16 years old…