Barbershop Bass

Glad you're contributing real thoughts instead of just blindly supporting a child molester.

Except she literally admitted she did it, and no one seems to care.

Write a book about how you molested your sister: HBO doesn't cancel your show.

Okay, I'll bite.

Really? I even looked it up and didn't see any other definitions besides conceit as in conceited. Huh.

I just said this in another article: Is there a definition I don't know about, or do AV Club writers just not know the difference between "conceit" and "concept"?

Oh God, I forgot about her. That was some stone-cold shit Charlie pulled.

Is there a definition I don't know, or do AV Club writers not know the difference between conceit and concept?

I love Gn'R, but I hate Axl Rose. His voice is just awful IMO.

If it's their choice, there's no problem. Problem is, there are a lot of places where it's not their choice. As with any other bastardization of religion, it's the fault of the people more than the religion, but it seems to happen more, or at least more seriously, with Islam than other religions these days.

Is it a minority, though? Entire nations practice that stuff and treat their women like objects. I don't know of a nation that treats its women, in the name of Christianity, the same way that, say, Saudi Arabia treats its women in the name of Islam.

Santana and Wayne Shorter? Damn, that would've been amazing!

Axl Rose has a huge vocal range, doesn't mean his singing doesn't sound like a greasy used-car salesman.

When Bey played the Super Bowl, I made what I thought was a relatively innocuous comment on Twitter. It kind of echoed what Santana said, though to be fair, not quite as kind: Good performer, decent voice, but I hate her music. Two of my 'friends' from college immediately started attacking me for not thinking she's a

You should especially keep your Beyonce opinions to yourself, lest you rile up her hordes of followers who will tell you you're racist for thinking she's not that great.

My family generally enjoyed Reba, especially the one guy who's now on Shameless (can't remember the actor's name).

True, but those categories are typically named differently.

Pretty sure he meant at home

I was pissed at myself because I knew it, but I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. It happens to me way too often, probably why I'll never make it on Jeopardy (I'd also have to try, and I haven't done that yet, so…)

Agreed. I actually like Nick and Regan when they're onscreen together and working (and when she was first introduced, I never thought I'd say that), but since they're actively wedging them apart, I just want them to get it over with.