Barbershop Bass

Anything can be a romantic gesture, or it can be creepy. It all depends on how the other person takes it.

Wasn't "Every Breath You Take" written about a man who was stalking Sting's wife? I wouldn't call that song a romantic gesture on its own, unless you meant using it at weddings was the romantic gesture.

I feel like I've met her before because she's very similar to how my grandmother was. It was a bit comforting in the first season, but it's even moreso this season, as she sadly passed 4 months ago, but I still get someone a bit like her on my TV screen every week.

Or maybe she's just not that great. Not everything's about race.

On the one hand, it's hilarious that they got so bent out of shape by the word "penis".

I feel like Adam and Chad's "shipper name" was probably a real-life thing. Just because it's biggest now doesn't mean mashing together names is anything new. We saw the actual video they made, I'm sure they really called it Chadam Productions when they were kids.

ABC's overall audience might be more conservative, but I'm pretty sure Modern Family's core audience leans liberal. There was that article recently with maps of where people who watch certain shows live, and Modern Family ended up more in cities and on the coasts, IIRC.

It's Djibouti.
In The Onion's atlas, "Our Dumb World", the page for Djibouti reads, "Congratulations, you just laughed at thousands of starving people!"

And people on the left were boycotting entire retail chains when they were scared of Ivanka Trump's brand. Everyone's pathetic.

I bet if you wrote some white or male slurs it'd be fine, though.

It was funny, but after seeing that same basic joke in Burn After Reading, I already knew what was coming.

If they're gonna allow it on The Expanse, they better start allowing it on The Magicians. It's really distracting hearing them simply removed.

If it has cheese and dough and sauce then it's the best.

It was never a problem in the first place, people just made a problem out of literally nothing.

Would they actually write a decent script this time?

When they air The Magicians on SyFy, those 'fucks' get removed. It's really distracting, actually. I wish they'd just leave them in.

Everything I saw said they dropped those surge rates AFTER the protest was already finished, so I still don't understand the problem.

Wait I'm confused. Why is the fact that Catalina uses Uber a good reason to dislike her?

Seriously, Female Thor is horribawful. The worst.

Archie/Ms. Grundy isn't wrong because of how she looks in the comics, it's wrong because IT'S STATUTORY RAPE.