Barbershop Bass

Seriously, they were both quite the lookers in their prime.

Worst tag of the season, more like. That was just…wrong.

Benedict Cumberbatch's "pinglings" pronunciation of "penguins" had us laughing so hard that we always just call them "pinglings" from now on.

I love Norton. I record this show every week on BBC America. Not only does he get great stories from actors I enjoy, but it also introduces me to all kinds of Brits that are fairly popular over there, but are totally unknown over here.

It feels like this show will go one of two ways. It'll be ridiculous and terrible, or ridiculous and fun. It won't be good, but if it manages to be hilariously fun, that'll be enough.

I agree that the Netflix shows could stand being a few episodes shorter, but I also love them anyway. I personally think they're great already, and shortening the run (and therefore tightening up the storylines) would just make them that much better.

It's amazing how many people still badmouth Agents of SHIELD. It's like they watched 3 episodes of the first season, gave up, and haven't stopped calling it shit since.

OTOH, when an unarmed white person DOES get shot (and it has happened plenty of times), no one talks about it. It's never quite as cut-and-dry (on either side) as everyone tries to make it.

It can even have a big, über-treasures that act as the overarching plot each season. They get a little bit closer each episode until they find it at the end of the season, probably with some kind of showdown with a bad guy.

Yes, because that's obviously what everyone there believes…

They're pretty much all great, but I have to vote for Jurassic Park. Especially for the scene when they first show the dinosaurs. Still chill-inducing.

She is way icky-er than Amy Schumer, are you kidding me?

On the one hand, I'm glad they actually used a real barbershop song (albeit one of the most basic ones we have). On the other hand, they've done such a great job with writing original songs in other genres, I'm kind of disappointed that they didn't write an original barbershop song real quick.