This makes TOTAL SENSE. Just think how smooth and perfect your skin was when you crawled all the time. Obviously all you have to do to get it back is to start crawling again.
This makes TOTAL SENSE. Just think how smooth and perfect your skin was when you crawled all the time. Obviously all you have to do to get it back is to start crawling again.
The women who came forward are SO FRICKING BRAVE.
Oh my god yes! When I was 19 and walking to a summer internship, this random guy on the street reached around and *grabbed my pussy* as I walked past him. I freaked the fuck out at him and then just like walked to work, which thankfully my Dad worked there and had got me the internship. I told my dad what happened and…
I would say that’s nice but you strike me as brutish more than chivalrous. Go on, respond, I know you simply must have the last word about this. And how very manly of you to mansplain away MY feelings on the fucking matter.
Give daddy a kiss?
You’re not wrong. I’ve just been thinking about White Feminism pretty much nonstop since we learned that the racist, tiny-fingered cheeto who is the GOP nominee believes his fame entitles him to grope women.
What is with that?? My parents had sex on the living room floor, too. Well, they tried: I walked in to see my butt-naked mom crawling seductively over to my dad, I gasped, and they leaped to their feet while covering their respective junk, squealing at me to go back to bed.
A. Putting someone in solitary for attempting suicide is batshit crazy behavior, and is utterly common across the prison system.
The problem with “flattering” is that what it usually means is dressing in a way that gets you as close as possible to an arbitrary and impossible patriarchal beauty standard. It essentially asks women to apologize and compensate for what we naturally look like. We should strive to dress in ways that make us feel good…
Uh Lennon was an asshole racist wife’s in the blood
I’m equally surprised that the son of John Lennon would turn out to be a cock.
It’s all fun and games until you need to take a dump
17? More like 13.
See also: I am reading a book because I want to read this book, not because I am killing time until a man comes to talk to me.
I fucking hate that original article so much. IF I HAVE HEADPHONES IN DO NOT TALK TO ME. It’s aggravating enough walking down the street in New York City and being a woman; headphones are basically my only recourse to drowning out weirdos and catcalls. Related: why, in 2016, do we still insist that men have to make…
Yes! Why do people feel soo entitled to her space? She’s fired the guy and called him out as an ass. There’s nothing left for her to say to you... I'd block you too!
Yeah, anybody can block anybody on Twitter. If the first I hear of you as a person is you up in my @s yelling at me about something (at the same time that THOUSANDS OF OTHER PEOPLE ARE ALSO YELLING AT ME IN MY @S) I would feel no compunction blocking you, and fuck anyone who tells me I am obligated to patiently let…
Ahh, pink. Is there any lady-related problem that it won’t solve? Trump should try being pink instead of orange to carry the lady vote.
Fuck the culture. She has every freedom to practice it, but it’s a regressive misogynistic nightmare culture that oppresses her.