
Well, we’re all a bunch of angry lesbians here at Jezebel, so we’re honestly asking. We’ve never seen a penis before and think this might literally be an actual penis. We’re sorry this offended you, but you can focus on coverage of the latest Taylor Swift controversy for the hard hitting coverage that mature people

Soo...all my mason jars full of twinkle lights, wine cork crafts, and kitschy cat themed everything are going to be a laughingstock one day.

Because nothing screams “I’M A HETERO MALE” more than rubbing a Dude Stick (say it fast) all over your lips. LOL.

My 5-year-old nephew took my phone and, when he thought he was alone, shot and narrated a house tour featuring everything shorter than three feet. “Look at these nice steps...this is tile...and a very nice doorknob...”

Yep. This is why we old broads keep harping at the Youngs to keep history in perspective & not rest on any imaginary laurels because “we already have feminism and equal rights, it’s over”..... This kind of shit was happening while we were teenagers, young adults, college students. The 80s & 90s were the Backlash

I remember this story vividly, and also remember being pissed that it was Margaret who said it because I felt that having a character as annoying as her make a declaration like that turned it into a petulant statement rather than a motivational one.

It’s not offensive to make fun of a presidential candidate. But making fun of a female candidate for the pitch of her laugh and comparing her to a hyena is a gendered insult. I’m a smart woman who works at a university and I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard male colleagues impersonate me with a “dumb shrill

Do you not realize that garum sociorum, that expensive bloody mass of decayed fish, consumes the stomach with its salted putrefaction?

There ought to be a list, really, of interviewers who routinely write gross profiles like this so that women can avoid them and hopefully tank their careers in the process.

All questions to female actors along the lines of “OMG WAT WAS LIKE FILM SEX SCENE???” are solely for the perv who wants to remind her that he’s imagined her having sex. Just gross and stupid. Next one who answers “I would imagine it is almost as awkward as being a journalist with a shockingly tiny penis,” gets a fan

“He said Dada today, three times!”

Dear people, stop praising Ted Cruz, what he did was 100% self-serving. He is setting up his next campaign. He has no conscience. Thanks.

After the last set of twins did she order the firmest brand of birth control ever or is she open to rolling the dice for babies numbers six and seven?

How did they even find them? Did they just but some kind of massive pad stockpile in the 70s, and hadn’t used it all by 1993? This is so confusing.

“I feel blessed because some women I’ve met in my lifetime can’t even have kids,” Couch told TODAY. “I feel really lucky that I can. I feel like a special lady to be able to say I’ve had three sets of twins, I feel like a superwoman.”

I was about to object, but then I remembered that I am not now, nor have I ever been, rich.

If a guy calls a girl a slut guys have no problem believing him. But if 40 women accuse a guy of being a sexual predator people still don’t believe them.

I just wish some actress would finally be like “No, I knew I could do it and do it well. I am in top form, young and stunningly beautiful, and I work hard on my body every day and even got a bit of plastic work done to get to my peak. I went to theater school for 3 years and this was my second big budget movie that

“Was it hard to “do it”?” I whispered gently salivating into my children’s portioned French toast.

I feel the same about smoking, drinking, and shaving pubic hair: we know it’s bad, but many of us just choose to do it anyway because avoiding illness and death is both boring and ungratifying.