
Funny cause it’s true! This had me laughing out loud in a crowded bus filled with people scared for their lives in the blizzard. Thanks for the laugh! Was worth the dirty looks!

Wow! Thank you for sharing the article. It’s a fascinating story. The woman they spoke to seems to have had a fascinating childhood. I was touched by the story of her father bringing her to a storage room with her mother’s belongings after she died, every year for her birthday. He would select something to give her

Good luck with the job search!

I laughed so hard at this!

How badass was this woman to crash her boss’ meeting, put her prototype on the table and sit down. That took some serious balls.

Yes. Thank you. Came to make this exact comment.


The best kind of trolling. Using your trolling power for good.

You’re garbage

What? I was pronouncing ah-ree in my head forever! Never heard it pronounced before I guess. Thanks for making me a little less dumb.

Why am I googling all these bugs? Why can’t I stop scrolling the comments and jumping at every nasty picture? What is wrong with me.

I recoiled in disgust just ready your post. YUK.

Someone else in the world is phobic about butterflies? I thought i was the only weirdo.

Crying too. I don’t want to be a helicopter parent, and I try to give my kids as many opportunities to experience independence as I can, but reading something like this gives me chills. I'll choose to focus on the decent people who intervened.

That's when you answer something like this is why we need Planned Parenthood, so that other forms of birth control are available for women AND men. This is also why sex ed is important in schools to educate kids about safe sex, beyond just shouting ABSTINENCE!

I used to work in a convenience store, doing the night shift from Friday to Sunday. I would sometimes run out of change before the banks would open on Monday morning so I was extra careful with it. When a douche would try to pay for a pack of gum with Fifty or something, I would explain the change thing. Most people