Baramos x

You could order them and eat them over the course of several meals and multiple days, say a dinner, a lunch, and another dinner.

It's only used for killing people, yep. The argument is that they feel like they're going to be attacked by people and need it to defend themselves. The problem is this always involves a scenario involving an armed gang of attackers, since it's clearly overkill for one or two. Like an Assault on Precinct 13 scenario.

Indeed, that makes a lot sense. So many things are rejected out of hand because they either 1. cost money to implement or build or 2. merely tackle part of the problem instead of being a magic bullet that gets rid of it completely.

Is that a bit like when the boy had a robot, and he had the robot do tricks. And he also did each of the robot's tricks. And then the robot said, "Well, watch THIS!" and turned his head around. And the boy said, "Can you teach me to do that?" And the robot replied, "Yes, but you can only do it once."

Yeah, in my memory it was from Revelation, but it's just from Mark, apparently. It IS Jesus saying it, so I guess people took it as prophecy instead of a general thing about the world like his "the poor ye have with ye always". I mean "the meek shall inherit the earth" is a prophecy, for example, lots of other stuff

I like how they are looking for "a Tagger", reducing the possibity of getting the job from merely zero (as I don't live in the U.K.) somehow even further. Like negatives.

Ariyan Pirayesh Islamian is an awesome name. I'm sure he's not actually German but fortunately the name "Ariyan" made them all accept him, I'm sure.

I am looking forward to this.

Maybe when it comes time to ship the potato salad he'll just burn it and post an anti-potato salad screed on Kickstarter.

Can you dehydrate potato salad?

"Here's a bunch of better movies that are sort of like his in their visual style, but good."

Oh, there was plenty funny in it. Like that inscription on the locket scene, or that whole WWII fighter pilot part.

Blind Man Willie Witherspoon:
I've been playing the saxophone for 30 years. I want you to have it.

Shut up and take my…ratings?

I think you only have to deliver on the promised reward. He added inane stretch goals to use the money on, though.

Bizarro Qweef Latina

At least you know to wear that shirt when asking if you can leave work early.

This seemed fun. But someone just mentioned to me that their friend's military veteran father has only gotten $500 on his Kickstarter for spine surgery. Which was depressing.

I normally don't like games like it, which is an "action RPG" which consists of a LOT of hack-and-slashery which can be a little monotonous. But the writing and LOTR universe somehow sold it on me.

I don't really agree, though.